43,000+ NHS Staff Hit With Phishing Emails Since March

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request revealed that over 43,000 National Health Service (NHS) staff have had phishing emails slip through the cracks and into their inboxes in the past ...
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Cybercriminals Target Execs in Microsoft 365 Credential Attack to Launch Internal BEC Scams

A new phishing attack spotted in the wild by security researchers at Trend Micro demonstrates how compromised data in an initial cyberattack is purposed in subsequent attacks.
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Leaked U.S.-UK Trade Documents Show How Devastating Compromised Email Can Be

An ongoing criminal investigation highlights how classified documents stolen by Russian hackers from former U.K. trade minister Liam Fox may have been used to impact the British 2019 ...
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[Heads Up] The First-Ever Russian BEC Gang, Cosmic Lynx, Was Uncovered. They Spear Phish Multinational & Fortune 500 Senior Executives

“This is a historic shift to the global email threat landscape and portends new and sophisticated social engineering attacks that CISOs around the world must brace for now,” according to ...
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‘New VPN Configuration’ Email Tricks Microsoft 365 Users Out of Credentials

Scammers are taking advantage of the prominent use of VPNs by remote workforces to send out this very topically relevant phishing email that just wants to steal your credentials.
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Microsoft 365 to Provide Detonation Details About Malicious Email Content

In a step towards educating customers on why attachments and URLs are deemed “malicious”, Microsoft’s is set to augment its Advanced Threat Protection product in July.
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Excel Macros Bypass Your Filters and Slip in Malware Payloads

Researchers at Lastline warn that attackers are increasingly utilizing Excel 4[.]0 macros to deliver malware while avoiding detection by security products. Excel 4[.]0 (XL4) macros were ...
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Organizations Need To Be Wary Of Home Worker Phishing Risks

Security experts warn that phishing attacks against home workers will rise.
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FTC Alert: Coronavirus Scammers Love Scary Bad News

Scary news stories in the headlines always bring out the bad guys looking to make a quick illegal buck.
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How Can You Check If Your Email Is Compromised?

Rudy Friederich, a KnowBe4 friend at Marshal Security LLC sent me the following interesting tips related to finding out if you are the victim of Business Email Compromise. He wrote:
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DMARC and Its Place in Email Security

Dealing with business email compromise (BEC) requires people, process, and technology. As we've noted before, the problem is growing. Harder to detect and evolving in sophistication, ...
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New Large Email Security Gap Analysis Shows a Massive 15% Failure Rate

We thought it was bad when we saw Cyren's recent analysis that 10.5% of bad emails made it through the filters. It could even be worse than that. "Mimecast's latest ESRA (email security ...
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New Security Tool: Mailserver Security Assessment [It's Free]

Do you know what's getting through your mail filters?
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Email Security Vulnerability Affects Half of the Internet's Servers

Our friends at Bleepingcomputer wrote: "A critical vulnerability affects hundreds of thousands of email servers. A fix has been released but this flaw affects more than half of the ...
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Email Security Gap Analysis Shows 10.5% Miss Rate

Aggregated results show 10.5% average rates at which enterprise email security systems miss spam, phishing and malware attachments. Here is a summary of findings of email security systems ...
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