Security Awareness Training Blog

Artificial Intelligence Blog

Opinion and analysis on the latest developments in artificial intelligence as they relate to cybersecurity and how stay protected.

[PHISHING ALERT] "Hey Did You See That Fake AI Porn Movie Of Yourself?"

Heads-up. I am sorry to have to bring up a very distasteful topic, but in the very near future your users will get phishing emails with something close to the ultimate click-bait, luring ...
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86% of security pros worry about a phishing future where criminals are using Artificial Intelligence

A new survey by Webroot shows that 86% of security professionals worry that AI and ML (machine learning) technology could be used against them. And they are right, because it will and ...
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AI-powered ransomware is coming, and it's going to be terrifying

Business Insider started an article with the following: "Imagine you've got a meeting with a client, and shortly before you leave, they send you over a confirmation and a map with ...
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We started trusting bad code from Day One

Vint Cerf – Photo by Charles Haynes
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Security Awareness Training Controversy

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CyberheistNews vol2, #30

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