Security Awareness Training Blog

Artificial Intelligence Blog

Opinion and analysis on the latest developments in artificial intelligence as they relate to cybersecurity and how stay protected.

[Cybersecurity Awareness Month] Frankenphisher – The Monster of Social Engineering Artificial Intelligence

Imagine an artificial intelligence (AI) system developed by a mad scientist to leverage the full capabilities of Large-Language-Models (LLM).
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91% of Cybersecurity Professionals Have Experienced Cyber Attacks that Use AI

A new report takes an exhaustive look at how cybersecurity professionals see the current and future state of attacks, and how well vendors are keeping up.
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Phishing Scammers are Using Artificial Intelligence To Create Perfect Emails

Phishing attacks have always been detected through broken English, but now generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are eliminating all those red flags. OpenAI ChatGPT, for instance, ...
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Asking Claude AI For a Little Encryption Help... :-(

A friend sent me this:
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AI's Role in the Next Financial Crisis: A Warning from SEC Chair Gary Gensler

TL;DR - The future of finance is intertwined with artificial intelligence (AI), and according to SEC Chair Gary Gensler, it's not all positive. In fact, Gensler warns in a 2020 paper ...
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AI's Role in Cybersecurity: Black Hat USA 2023 Reveals How Large Language Models Are Shaping the Future of Phishing Attacks and Defense

At Black Hat USA 2023, a session led by a team of security researchers, including Fredrik Heiding, Bruce Schneier, Arun Vishwanath, and Jeremy Bernstein, unveiled an intriguing ...
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5 Intriguing Ways AI Is Changing the Landscape of Cyber Attacks

In today's world, cybercriminals are learning to harness the power of AI. Cybersecurity professionals must be prepared for the current threats of zero days, insider threats, and supply ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] The Dark Side of AI: Unmasking its Threats and Navigating the Shadows of Cybersecurity in the Digital Age

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come roaring to the forefront of today’s technology landscape. It has revolutionized industries and will modernize careers, bringing numerous benefits and ...
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Researchers uncover surprising method to hack the guardrails of LLMs

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the Center for A.I. Safety have discovered a new prompt injection method to override the guardrails of large language models (LLMs). These ...
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Facebook Scams Impersonate AI Tools

Fraudsters are spreading scams on Facebook that pose as ads for legitimate AI tools, according to researchers at Check Point. The Facebook pages impersonate ChatGPT, Google Bard, ...
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[HEADS UP] See WormGPT, the new "ethics-free" Cyber Crime attack tool

A new generative AI model called “WormGPT” is being offered on cybercrime forums, according to researchers at SlashNext. While other AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have safeguards in place ...
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Is AI-Generated Disinformation on Steroids About To Become a Real Threat for Organizations?

A researcher was alerted to a fake website containing fake quotes that appeared to be written by himself. The age of generative artificial intelligence (AI) toying with our public ...
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Takeaways From a Threat Intelligence Specialist on Artificial Intelligence Being a 'Double-Edged Sword'

While artificial intelligence (AI) has been the hot topic of this year, a theme that I continue to see is that AI is being used for good and evil.
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Forrester: AI, Cloud Computing, and Geopolitics are Emerging Cyberthreats in 2023

Wouldn’t it be great if your cybersecurity strategy only had to focus on just a few threats? Sigh… if only life were that easy. But new predictions for this year’s most prevalent cyber ...
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AI Voice-Based Scams Rise as One-Third of Victims Can’t Tell if the Voice is Real or Not

As audio deepfake technology continues to go mainstream as part of the evolution in AI-based tools, new data shows there are plenty of victims and they aren’t prepared for such an attack.
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[EPIC AI FAIL] Lawyer cites fake cases invented by ChatGPT

Found this highly amusing article: Legal Twitter is having tremendous fun right now reviewing the latest documents from the case Mata v. Avianca, Inc. (1:22-cv-01461). Here’s a neat ...
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AI-generated Disinformation Dipped The Markets Yesterday

The Insider reported that an apparently AI-generated photo faking an explosion near the Pentagon in D.C. went viral. The Arlington Police Department confirmed that the image and ...
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[Feet on the Ground] Stepping Carefully When Making an AI Your BFF

Bloomberg's Brad Stone wrote an op-ed covering this topic. In the past month, a chatbot called "My AI" or "Sage" has appeared as a new friend for several hundred million Snapchat users. ...
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Heart of the Matter: How LLMs Can Show Political Bias in Their Outputs

Wired just published an interesting story about political bias that can show up in LLM's due to their training. It is becoming clear that training an LLM to exhibit a certain bias is ...
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Does ChatGPT Have Cybersecurity Tells?

Poker players and other human lie detectors look for “tells,” that is, a sign by which someone might unwittingly or involuntarily reveal what they know, or what they intend to do. A ...
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