Security Awareness Training Blog

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LLoyds: Cyber Risk Rises from 12th to 3rd place In Three Years

You all know the world famous insurance company LLoyds. What you may not know is that they maintain a list of Top Risks. It's called their Risk Index and it's the result of a survey of ...
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Congressional Aides Targeted By Spear-phishing Attacks

Reuters just reported that Congressional aides in the Senate and House of Representatives said on Thursday that they were notified of a potential security risk involving email and other ...
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Why help desk employees are a social engineer's favorite target

Steve Rangan over at the The CSO site wrote:
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The One Security Technology That Actually Works: Application Control

July 16, 2013, Roger Grimes wrote an article in InfoWorld that was straight out of my mind. He said: "Antivirus, perimeter defense, and network monitoring are jokes. But whitelisting ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 29

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 29
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Phishing Attack: Your Twitter friend may not really be your friend

There is a new phishing campaign doing the rounds trying to get your Twitter login credentials. The scam arrives as a direct messages to prospective victims from one of their contacts. ...
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7 reasons for security awareness failure

Ira Winkler and Samantha Manke just wrote a great article at the CSO site about why security awareness programs fail. They started out with: "There is a great dichotomy in Security ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, 28

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 28
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CTO of media company faked-out employees with "phishing" emails

There is a fascinating article in SC Magazine dated July 3, 2013 which tells the story of Atlantic Media Chief Technology Officer Tom Cochran, who blasted out a simulated phishing email ...
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Five Ways Your Employees Can Kill Your Company

One - Insider Threat: Stealing valuable information for either profit or idealistic motives. Examples: Software developers taking home code for their next job, sales people downloading ...
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The Inevitability Of "The Click"

From the 2013 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report. Note that i t only takes 20 emails to get one successful click on a phishing attack. Read the story above!
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FBI Warns of Spear-Phishing Attacks

Spear-phishing attacks are up, and they are targeting individuals across all industries, according to a new warning issued by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation .
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, 27

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 27
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How Zombie Phones Could Create a Gigantic, Mobile Botnet

Seen "World War Z" recently? Your mobile phone might soon be infected and become a zombie.
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Why Business Is Losing The War Against Cybercrime

Price Waterhouse (PwC) and CSO Magazine just released their 2013 State of Cybercrime Survey. It shows that lack of risk awareness means companies are poorly defended. This is their 11th ...
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Avoiding Dodgy Web Sites No Longer Works To Stay Safe

If in the past your way to stay safe on the Web was to not visit dodgy sites like gambling, porn, piracy or other "unsafe district" locations, that strategy no longer works. Google ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, 26

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 26
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System Administrator Appreciation Day Is Coming Soon!

I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of an important, upcoming holiday. No, it is not the 4th of July (although that is almost here, too)... it's System Administrator Appreciation ...
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