Security Awareness Training Blog

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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 09 41 Percent Of Infected Pay The CryptoLocker Ransom

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 09
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Average Enterprise Is Hit by a Cyber Attack Every 1.5 Seconds

FireEye released its yearly Advanced Threat Report, and they did some interesting math. Enterprises are hit by cyber attacks on average once every 1.5 seconds, which is double from the ...
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41 Percent Of Infected Pay The Cryptolocker Ransom

I have warned about the Cryptolocker ransomware before, but now we have some hard numbers about the percentage of people that are forced to pay up when a workstation or server has been ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 08: This Week Top 10 Phishing Scams

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 08
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Hackers Used Spear Phishing Attack To Hack CNN Blogs

Security analysts at Intelligence firm InterCrawler published the details of the investigation on recent attack against CNN Blogs and social media accounts. Recently a few social media ...
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80% Fail To Maintain PCI Compliance Between Assessments

OUCH. Verizon said in a report this month that nearly 80% of organizations that achieve annual compliance with the PCI Data Security Standard -fail- to maintain that status after passing ...
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Kiss Your Old Security Awareness Training Program Goodbye!

Is Your Security Awareness Training Program Not Working? Are Users Still Clicking Phishing Links And Opening Infected Attachments?
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Knowbe4 CyberheistNews Vol 4, 07 SNEAK PEEK At New Site: HACKBUSTERS

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 07
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This Week Top 10 Phishing Scams

It's my job to keep an eye out for the most recent phishing scams and let everyone know. One of the newsletters I get as a source for this is called "hoaxslayer". They just reported some ...
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KnowBe4 Announces HackBusters, A Curated IT Security News Site
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Online social engineering scams flourish around Valentine's Day

Michael Cooney at Network World summarized the current scams doing the rounds related to online dating and romance sites. A good reminder that heartless con artists use social engineering ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 06 Cryptolocker Scrambles Files Of US Law Firm

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 06
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Which HackBusters Logo Do You Like Best?

You miss important IT security news because you aren’t subscribed to the right sources, or the relevant security news is snowed under simply because of the incredible volume. So KnowBe4 ...
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Fake LinkedIn Phishing Profiles Going Pro

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Cryptolocker Scrambles All Legal Files Of US Law Firm

WSOCTV in Charlotte, North Carolina's reports on a Goodson's, a small US law firm there which stepped forward and bravely admitted that their whole file server was scrambled by ...
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Dont Let Your C-Level Execs Wind Up At Capitol Hill Like This

Major U.S. retailers at Senate hearing: hackers have upper hand
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Largest Website in Sweden Social Engineering Scam

David Jacoby, Kaspersky Lab Expert wrote this blog post yesterday and it shows that employees need to be on their toes with security top of mind even when they visit the largest websites. ...
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Why Cybercrime Pays Off

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