Security Awareness Training Blog

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Now That Ransomware Has Gone Nuclear, How Can You Avoid Becoming the Next Victim?

There is a reason more than half of today’s ransomware victims end up paying the ransom. Cyber-criminals have become thoughtful; taking time to maximize your organization’s potential ...
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Bad Guys Built A Completely Fake News Website For A Bitcoin Phishing Scam

The Central Bank of Malta has issued a statement warning people about a bitcoin phishing scam being pushed by a spoofed news website, the Times of Malta reports. The site imitated a ...
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Leaving Windows 7 in Production Puts You at High Risk of Ransomware Attack

Microsoft end-of-support for Windows 7 means systems will remain unpatched, creating an opportunity for future ransomware attacks to wreak havoc.
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Business Disruption is the Prominent Result for All Cyberattacks

New data from security vendor CrowdStrike shows that the bad guys are getting better at avoiding detection and are having a substantial financial impact on operations.
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Defending Against Ransomware is a Team Effort

Ransomware operators have grown very skilled in targeting exactly what will compel an organization to pay up, according to Andrew Brandt, principal researcher at Sophos. On the ...
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[Heads-up] The Evil Ryuk Ransomware Strain Now Uses Wake-on-Lan To Encrypt Your *Offline* Devices

You must have heard of RYUK before. It's one of the most nasty, evil ransomware strains attributed to the North Korean state sponsored cyber criminals. They are an APT—Advanced Persistent ...
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Hackers Request Aging Reports to Identify Their Next CEO Fraud Victims for Them

Rather than attempt to hack user credentials and gain access to Accounts Payable applications, hackers are now impersonating the CFO and obtaining all the detail they need to launch a ...
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Nemty Ransomware Creators Plan to Post Stolen Data of Non-Payors to Blog

In a twist to the newest ransomware tactic where data is stolen and then encrypted, the folks behind Nemty are going to use a blog to publish victims data if they don’t pay.
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Kiwi Drivers Phished with Bogus License Renewals

The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has warned of an ongoing email phishing campaign using fake vehicle license renewal reminders, 1 News reports. The emails appear legitimate and ...
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TrickBot Hackers Have Created the Ultimate “On the Fly” Update Backdoor

The newly-created “PowerTrick” backdoor leaves malware ready to accept new commands and victim organizations perpetually in danger of the next thing the malware’s creators can think of.
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You Should Be Scared of the Latest Strains of Phobos Ransomware

In an unusual twist, it’s not actually the ransomware itself that makes the newer forms of Phobos so frightening; it’s the people behind the attacks that will have you worried.
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Travelex Warns Customers: Watch Out For Phishing Or Telephone Scams In Aftermath of Ransomware Attack

A little more than two weeks ago on New Year’s Eve, Foreign Currency services supplier Travelex was hit by a Sodinokibi (REvil) Ransomware attack. It has yet to recover and its web sites ...
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Happy Hotel With a Sad Ending

Tokyo, Japan-based Almex which operates the Japanese Happy Hotels announced it has been hacked and that customer data including email address, birth date, gender, phone number, log in, ...
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Nobel Laureates Get Scammed, Too

Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times Opinion columnist Paul Krugman appears to have been taken in by a phishing scam, Business Insider reports. In a tweet that’s since been ...
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Security-Related and Giveaway Phishing Email Subject Lines Get the Most Clicks

KnowBe4 revealed the results of its Q4 2019 top-clicked phishing report. The results found that simulated phishing tests with an urgent message to check a password immediately were most ...
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New SNAKE Ransomware is an Attack Mix of Obfuscation, Encryption, and Corporate Disruption

Beware! This new targeted attack variant of ransomware is smart, sophisticated, and does a lot more than just encrypt files.
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Hackers Target the Special Olympics of New York and Use them to Launch Phishing Attacks

This latest attack demonstrates how cybercriminals can leverage one organization as merely a part of a larger phishing campaign to scam countless individuals out of credentials or money.
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Fast Work By Cops Recovers $710,000 After CEO Fraud Attack Hits Long Island County Government

Finally some good news. Newsday reports that in record time, Nassau County, New York, recovered $710,000 that was transferred to scammers who were impersonating an existing county vendor.
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New Languages Added to KMSAT Learner Experience

Late Friday, the product team added 6 new languages to the KMSAT Learner Experience bringing the total number to 21 languages supported. The new languages include:
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