Security Awareness Training Blog

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[New Ransomware Threat] Now Cyber Criminals Demand Ransom From The PATIENTS After A Plastic Surgery Clinic Data Breach

Just when you thought it could not get any worse... it did. Criminal hackers are now demanding that all the patients of Florida provider Richard Davis, MD pay a ransom to prevent the ...
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Texas School District Loses $2.3 Million In BEC Scam

Texas’s Manor Independent School District was the victim of a costly 2.3 million dollar Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam in November of 2019.
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Auto Dealership Becomes Latest Victim of Ransomware Attack Costing Up to $500,000

The opening of a seemingly benign email from a coworker by an unsuspecting employee set in motion an attack that brought operations to a halt and resulted in some costly remediation. The ...
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Microsoft Sues Hacker Group for Data Theft of Highly Sensitive Information

A new recently unsealed lawsuit against a North Korean hacker group shows how even the largest companies can be successfully attacked by phishing.
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An Overview of Phishing from the Accounting Sector

Employee training is an essential long-term defense against phishing attacks, according to David Barton and Kimberly Anderson at UHY Advisors. In an article for Accounting Today, Barton ...
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[Scam Of The Week] Don't Fall For This Tricky: “Start your 2020 with a gift from us”

Paul Ducklin at Naked Security warned us about a scam that just surfaced and promises a gift by courier from overseas where the other person hasn’t told you what they’re sending – the ...
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REvil Ransomware: "Pay Us One Way Or The Other!"

The Wall Street Journal and Bleeping Computer reported that Travelex, a foreign-currency exchange company, was hit by the ReVil/Sodinokibi actors on New Year's Eve and that its network ...
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Cybercriminal Offers a “How To” Guide for Robbing Banks; Uses Cayman National Bank as the Example

This latest document from notorious hacker Phineas Phisher, along with a leaked report from PwC, shows how easy it is for a bank to be hacked and defrauded.
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Phishing Attacks Impersonating Canadian Banks Work So Well, the Campaign Has Been Running for Two Years

As part of a massive ongoing phishing campaign, the same group of attackers leverage hundreds of lookalike phishing websites to steal from unsuspecting banking customers. Security ...
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The Top 5 Eyeopener Strategies To Improve Your IT Defenses And Keep Bad Guys Out Of Your Network

Last year, in 2019 according to CVEdetails, there were 12,174 new, publicly announced vulnerabilities. If that sounds like a high number, it’s a lot less than the previous two years. We ...
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Bahrain’s National Oil Company Hit by Iranian "DustMan" Data Wiper

The Bahrain National Oil Company was attacked by Iranian state-sponsored hackers implanting a destructive data wiper nicknamed "DustMan."
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New Office 365 Phishing Attack Targets OAuth Apps Instead of Credentials

Trying to steal your username and password is so “yesterday.” The 2020 Hacker is now leveraging Office 365 OAuth APIs to gain control over user mailboxes with phishing tactics.
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The Better the Phishing Protection Gets, the More Sophisticated Phishing Attacks Are Getting

Microsoft’s review of how phishing has evolved over the last year highlights some of the great lengths attackers will go to in order to avoid being detected as a phishing campaign.
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Scammer Who Tricked Facebook and Google Out of $120 Million Gets 5 Years in Jail

The Lithuanian hacker who ran the most notorious, simplest, and most lucrative email-based social engineering fraud scam has been brought to justice and will be serving time and paying ...
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Of Course, Scammers Exploit Fears of Iranian Hacking

A new phishing campaign is attempting to frighten people into handing over their credentials by claiming Microsoft was hacked by Iran, BleepingComputer reports. The campaign is ...
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JudicialWatch: "Epidemic of Government Employees Watching Porn on Taxpayer Time"

I'd like to point at a type of security behavior that is enormously risky. Judicial Watch just released a post that's a major heads-up for anyone: "An epidemic of federal employees ...
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December Content Update: Includes New Versions of Email Exposure Check Pro and Phishing Security Test Tools

Here are a few important updates to share with you from the month of December.
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Texas Government Agencies Are Seeing 10,000 Attempted Cyber Attacks Per Minute From Iran. But Is That News?

The Texas Trib wrote yesterday: "Gov. Greg Abbott is warning Texans to be “particularly vigilant” regarding potential cyberterrorism from Iran, suggesting that heightened tensions with ...
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Smishing Examples & Defenses

Smishing is phishing via Short Message Service (SMS) on a participating device, usually a cell phone. Long neglected by phishers and spammers, smishing has recently become a very common ...
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