Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Having some Phun With Phishers - CEO Fraud Blow-By-Blow

For the last 9 years I have been a board member of the public/private Clearwater Downtown Partnership. And as many public organizations, all the board member information is freely ...
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"But, But, But... I Didn't Click!" False Positives In Phishing Tests

The following question was posted in the SANS Securing The Human forum. I thought it was a very good point and asked our VP Product Greg Kras for his perspective. First the question:
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Funny Phishing Story: Your Online Order Receipt

A customer sent us this: Hi, I wanted to share with you a funny story…. My boss calls me into her office, very serious like. She sits me down and asks “Did you use the company credit card ...
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KnowBe4 Is Hiring: QA Engineer and Sr Ruby Developer

Hi All, KnowBe4 is looking for a few good people. Specifically we are hiring a QA Engineer and a Senior Ruby Developer. Know anyone? Send them to our Jobs page on the website. KnowBe4 is ...
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Coming Soon to an Inbox Near You: A New Type Of Tech Support Scam

By Eric Howes, KnowBe4 Principal Lab Researcher. Yesterday we spotted an unusual phishing email that we'd like to share with readers. If nothing else, it tells us that the increased ...
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Tampa FBI: Your business is going to get hacked (or get infected with ransomware)

The Tampa Bay Business Journal published an interview with FBI Special Agent Lawrence Wolfenden. Wolfenden is a 25-year veteran of the FBI, the lead agency for investigating cyber attacks ...
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Phishing Attack With Malicious Word Doc Changes Proxy Settings

Microsoft recently came across a threat that uses social engineering but delivers a different payload than the usual Office document with macros. Its primary purpose is to change a user’s ...
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New Cry Ransomware Strain Has Unusual Advanced Features

Larry Abrams at Bleepingcomputer reported on a new strain with a few unusual features: "A new ransomware that pretends to be from a fake organization called the Central Security Treatment ...
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Evidence Hillary Was Speared In Phishing Attack

The Smoking Gun reported: "SEPTEMBER 2--The FBI’s Hillary Clinton investigation turned up evidence that her e-mail accounts were targeted in multiple “spear phishing” attacks, one of ...
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Criminal Phishing-as-a-Service Platform Steals Credentials

Want someone's credentials? Just social engineer them. Phishing is still responsible for 91% of data breaches and has been for the last few years. A Russian cyber mafia has created a ...
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I have an invitation to join a new exciting online community: Hackbusters!

KnowBe4 has been running the HackBusters site for a few years now, providing you with trending IT security news. We are expanding it and have launched a new exciting online community! You ...
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Cyberheist Nets 44 Million In Single CEO Fraud Attack

Earlier in August, one of the world's largest cable manufacturers Leoni AG publicly confessed that it had fallen victim to a classic CEO Fraud attack that has cost the company a whopping ...
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CrowdStrike: "Russian Hackers Attack DC Think Tanks With Phishing Emails"

The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that "A Russian hacking group linked to a series of computer intrusions at the Democratic National Committee and other organizations is now ...
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Two New KnowBe4 Phishing Categories: Scam Of The Week and Reported Phishes of the Week

KnowBe4's Templates Mistress Katie has added two new categories to the System Templates: 1) SCAM OF THE WEEK - this will act as an optional weekly newsletter for you to send to your ...
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IT Security Is A Protoscience, Think 19th Century Chemistry

So I get the Andreessen Horowitz newsletter. It has a topic called "Security is a protoscience (and more on 'so you want to work in security') - Michal Zalewski" I'm intrigued so I click ...
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KnowBe4's Field Guide to Macro Warning Screens

Earlier this week today we assisted several companies that were hit by ransomware. Although companies and organizations hit by ransomware can usually pinpoint the source or employee ...
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Ransomware & Voicemail Notifications, Redux

Several days ago we posted about a new ransomware campaign pushing Cerber through malicious ZIP files attached to voicemail-themed phishing emails. Fast on the heels of that campaign ...
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Here is a Real DDoS Plus Ransomware Extortion Attack

One of our customers received the following email today. It's a clear extortion attempt, they are threatening to execute a combined DDoS and Cerber ransomware attack. These bad guys claim ...
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