Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Online Retail Experienced 28 Billion Credential Stuffing Attacks Occurred in the Second Half of 2018

Mass automated attacks using stolen credentials are on the rise, according to Akamai’s 2019 State of the Internet / Retail Attacks and API Traffic report, putting consumers and retailers ...
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[SCAM OF THE WEEK] Phishing Attack Warns About Boeing 737 Max Crashes And Infects Workstations

Large airline crashes tend to uniquely focus almost everyone's attention. Lowlife internet criminals are exploiting the fear connected to these incidents, and leverage it in phishing ...
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"Hacking Humans" Is The 2019 No. 1 Podcast Covering Social Engineering!

Each week the CyberWire’s Hacking Humans podcast looks behind the social engineering scams, phishing schemes, and criminal exploits that make headlines and take a heavy toll on ...
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[SCAM OF THE WEEK] New "Final Warning" Sextortion Emails State Adult Sites Infected You

Bleepingcomputer reported this week: "A new sextortion email campaign is underway that states a hacker infected the recipient's computer while they were visiting an adult web site. The ...
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Three Romanian Men Commit Vishing And Smishing Crimes Worth $21 Million

Three Romanian citizens have pleaded guilty to carrying out a scheme that used recorded messages and cellphone texts to trick thousands of people into revealing their social security ...
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Phishing Attack Use of Encryption Increases 400% for Malware Delivery, Communications, and Data Exfiltration

Encryption has become the norm for many cybercriminals looking to obfuscate all parts of an attack, according to Zscaler’s 2019 Cloud Security Insights Threat Report. One of the goals of ...
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Software Supply Chains and Phishing Top Microsoft’s List of Greatest Cyberthreats

Microsoft’s latest Security Intelligence Report highlights the trends seen in 2018 with phishing as the preferred attack method and supply chains as a primary attack target.
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GCSE coursework lost in ransomware attack on UK Bridport school

Hackers have used ransomware to encrypt files at a school, causing it to lose some students' GCSE coursework.
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Credentials and Personal Data Continue to be the Primary Targets of Social Engineering Scams

Targeted attacks are increasing, with cybercriminals focused on stealing information that can be used to impersonate a user and perpetuate their scams.
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Ransoms are Becoming More Expensive While Ransomware Attacks Become More Damaging

Ransomware isn’t going anywhere, and cybercriminals are stepping up their game increasing payments while also targeting backups more often to improve their chances of payment.
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[On-demand Webinar] 5 IT Security Myths Your CISO Believes are True… BUSTED!

Facts are facts… but what happens when IT security pros take myths at face value? That got us thinking… what if we whip out our magnifying glasses, pull out the trench coats and use our ...
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Matrix Ransomware Uses a “Swiss Army Knife” of Tools to Infect, Compromise, and Spread

Since the days of EternalBlue, we’ve been concerned with malware spreading within a network. The latest iterations of Matrix Ransomware use a sophisticated list of embedded tools to do ...
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Passwords and Their Encryption Are Easy Prey for Cyber Criminals in Account Takeover Attacks

Passwords serve as the foundation for most security today. But security vendor SpyCloud have recovered over 3.5 billion credentials, demonstrating just how insecure they really are.
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[Heads up] Ransomware V2.0 Is Set to Resurge As Your Insurance Now Pays Off The Ransom

Holy Smokes! Ransomware may be poised to return as a top scourge for companies, as more and more of them pay up—it's actually their insurance company that makes the payment—after an ...
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Triton is the world’s most murderous malware, and it’s spreading

In the summer of 2017, a petrochemical plant in Saudi Arabia experienced a worrisome security incident that cybersecurity experts consider to be the first-ever cyber attack carried out ...
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Negative Reviews as Strong-Arm Collection for Bogus Bills

Anyone who depends upon good public opinion can be vulnerable to orchestrated bad word-of-mouth, especially in the form of online reviews.
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RSA’s Best Social Engineering News

KnowBe4 was at RSA 2019 this year with two booths, in both the North and South Hall. The show was humongous as usual and a torrent of news was released. I was there and it was a challenge ...
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Georgia county pays a whopping $400,000 to get rid of a ransomware infection

Officials in Jackson County, Georgia, paid $400,000 to cyber-criminals this week to get rid of a ransomware infection and regain access to their IT systems. The County hired ...
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809 Million Records Exposed By Email Marketing Giant. No Bueno.

I'm suffering from Data Breach Fatigue, how about you?
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