Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

90 Percent Of Critical Infrastructure Hit By Cyberattacks

A new survey of professionals in industries using industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) finds 90 percent of respondents say their environment has been damaged ...
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Scam of The Week: Realistic Phishing Attacks Take Advantage of U.S. Tax Season

With Tax Day only a few days away, cybercriminals are trying to take advantage of tax season through widespread phishing campaigns that aim to trick people into providing sensitive ...
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KnowBe4 Was Chosen For The Fourth Year As Top Workplace In Tampa Bay

The Tampa Bay Times yearly chooses Top Workplace for small, midsize and large local companies. They said: "In four appearances in the Top Workplaces survey, cybersecurity awareness ...
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Researchers Unearth 74 Facebook Cybercrime Groups With 385,000 Members

A monthslong study by Cisco Talos has identified 74 Facebook cybercrime groups with a total of 385,000 members. While some groups resembled market places for illicit goods such as ...
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New 2019 Report: "AI Is Here To Stay: Are You Prepared?"

I contributed to a new Foley & Lardner report, “Artificial Intelligence is Here to Stay: Are You Prepared?” which outlines the use, opportunities and legal risks of AI. I strongly ...
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NCAA-themed Scams During Basketball Playoffs

Scammers are capitalizing on the hype for March Madness with a bevy of malicious streaming sites and phishing scams, according to Lindsey O’Donnell at Threatpost. Researchers at Zscaler ...
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Game of Thrones as Phishbait, with Hook

Game of Thrones is the top TV show used to deliver malware-infected pirated content, researchers at Kaspersky Lab have found. Threatpost says the researchers saw nearly 21,000 users ...
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KnowBe4 Fresh Content & Features Updates - March 2019

Check out the content and feature updates in the KnowBe4 platform for the month of March!
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KnowBe4’s Q1 2019 Year-Over-Year Sales Grow 70%

I'm excited to announce our massive year-over-year Q1 2019 sales increase, growing more than 70% over Q1 2018's sales, breaking all records, and customer accounts now well over 24,000.
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Inside A Massive Spam Operation, And Shutting It Down

We’ve blogged before about spammers using publicly accessible databases to help them with large-scale spam campaigns. Here’s what one such recent campaign looks like from the insider. ...
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Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks Go Mobile Using SMS to Increase Attack Success

Compromise-by-Text turns out to be an even better medium for cybercriminals to fool users into becoming victims. A new article from security vendor Asigra demonstrates how and why.
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New York Launches a Cybercrime Brigade

The WSJ in their Opinion section reported about a NY citywide initiative that aims to coordinate all digital law-enforcement efforts. The op ed was written by Cy Vance, Manhattan district ...
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Scaring People with GDPR

Criminals are taking advantage of misunderstandings surrounding the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to exploit gullible employees and organizations, according ...
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Free Tool: Phishing Reply Test Identifies Users Likely to Fall Victim to Fraudsters

Highly targeted phishing attacks, known as Business Email Compromise or CEO fraud scams have exceeded $12.5 billion in total known losses worldwide (according to the FBI). These social ...
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vxCrypter Is the First Ransomware to Delete Duplicate Files

Our friend Larry Abrams at bleepingcomputer wrote: "The vxCrypter Ransomware could be the first ransomware infection that not only encrypts a victim's data, but also tidies up their ...
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The Famous Fall Victim To Phishing, Too

A Georgia resident has taken a guilty plea to charges of hacking numerous Apple accounts belonging to high-profile athletes and musicians and stealing their credit card information, ...
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AV-Test compares 19 Antivirus Tools: Windows Defender Reaches Maximum Detection Score

The German AV-Test lab compared 19 antivirus products, including the free Windows Defender which comes with the Win10 OS. Defender reached the max detection score, which was better than a ...
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Cyber Security is About Culture and People, not Technology

Security isn’t just IT’s problem, but everyone’s problem within the organization. The key isn’t “yet another security solution”, but a changing of the way the organization thinks about ...
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ISACA Recommends Phishing Simulations and Measurement as Appropriate Defense to Reduce Risk of Successful Phishing Attacks

Organizations are working to limit the effectiveness of phishing attacks using both internal and external collateral and programs. According to ISACA, the important thing is to have ...
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