Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

New Office 365 Phishing Attack Targets OAuth Apps Instead of Credentials

Trying to steal your username and password is so “yesterday.” The 2020 Hacker is now leveraging Office 365 OAuth APIs to gain control over user mailboxes with phishing tactics.
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The Better the Phishing Protection Gets, the More Sophisticated Phishing Attacks Are Getting

Microsoft’s review of how phishing has evolved over the last year highlights some of the great lengths attackers will go to in order to avoid being detected as a phishing campaign.
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Scammer Who Tricked Facebook and Google Out of $120 Million Gets 5 Years in Jail

The Lithuanian hacker who ran the most notorious, simplest, and most lucrative email-based social engineering fraud scam has been brought to justice and will be serving time and paying ...
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Of Course, Scammers Exploit Fears of Iranian Hacking

A new phishing campaign is attempting to frighten people into handing over their credentials by claiming Microsoft was hacked by Iran, BleepingComputer reports. The campaign is ...
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JudicialWatch: "Epidemic of Government Employees Watching Porn on Taxpayer Time"

I'd like to point at a type of security behavior that is enormously risky. Judicial Watch just released a post that's a major heads-up for anyone: "An epidemic of federal employees ...
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December Content Update: Includes New Versions of Email Exposure Check Pro and Phishing Security Test Tools

Here are a few important updates to share with you from the month of December.
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Texas Government Agencies Are Seeing 10,000 Attempted Cyber Attacks Per Minute From Iran. But Is That News?

The Texas Trib wrote yesterday: "Gov. Greg Abbott is warning Texans to be “particularly vigilant” regarding potential cyberterrorism from Iran, suggesting that heightened tensions with ...
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Mobile Threats Shouldn't be Overlooked

Phishing attacks against mobile devices can be just as damaging to an organization as attacks targeting workstations and laptops, according to a market report by Cyber Security Hub. ...
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Phishing Emails on the Rise as Spear Phishing Continues to Return Bigger Payouts

New data from Microsoft Security Insights sheds some needed light on exactly what the bad guys are doing and how they’re shifting tactics. Sometimes it feels like the bad guys are ...
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Smishing and Deepfakes Top the List of Cyber Attack Methods Expected in 2020

You want to know what to expect from data breaches, phishing attacks, and other calculated methods in 2020? There’s no better source than Experian’s seventh-annual Data Breach Industry ...
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Business Email Compromise Attack Uses a “Man-in-the-Middle” Email Attack to Steal $1M

Dubbed the “ultimate” Man-in-the-Middle attack by security researchers at Checkpoint, this CEO fraud attack shows how brazen cybercriminals can be – and how organizations need to be ...
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Ransomware Attacks Step Up their Game and Now Look for NAS Devices

It used to be that ransomware just looked for office files. Then backups became a secondary victim. New data from Kaspersky shows NAS devices are being added as targets.
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New TrickBot Malware Attack Leverages Google Drive to Deliver Its Payload and Ensure Infection

New details from Palo Alto Network’s Unit 42 research team show TrickBot rearing its ugly head once again, using legitimate cloud services – and employee greed – as its path to success. ...
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Penn State Warns of Spear Phishing Attacks

Penn State is warning its community about a recent spike in phishing attacks targeting the university’s employees. Attackers are sending emails posing as real Penn State employees and ...
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[FUN DEPT] So, How Do You Say Congrats In A *Really* Big Way?

I was scratching my head. How do you say Congrats to your team when they have done a truly AWESOME job in 2019, and totally knocked it out of the park in the last quarter?
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CyberheistNews Vol 10 #2 [Heads-Up] The U.S. Government Issues a Warning About a Possible New Wave of Iranian Cyber Attacks

CyberheistNews Vol 10 #02 [Heads-Up] The U.S. Government Issues a Warning About a Possible New Wave of Iranian Cyber Attacks Christopher C. Krebs, Director of America's CISA, the new ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] Business Email Compromise During Tax Season: Spotting and Defending Against Common BEC Tax Scams

Tax season is upon us, which makes this prime time for hackers to target your unsuspecting users with the latest Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams. From evolved W2 fraud to ...
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Security Generation Gaps

People from different generations tend to approach cybersecurity differently. Organizations should tailor their security programs and phishing tests with this in mind. According to Azeem ...
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Announcing A New 8-Minute Training Module - Social Media: Staying Secure in a Connected World

As you probably know, social media is the number one place that attackers can get intel about your organization to make their "hacking of your humans" more effective. We have been hearing ...
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