Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

[Heads Up] Email Phishing Is Now the Top Ransomware Attack Vector

New data shows that pushback from the ransomware victim “market” may be influencing just how much cybercriminals are asking for as ransom and are being paid.
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Trickbot is Targeting the Legal Sector

Researchers at Menlo Security warn of an ongoing Trickbot campaign targeting the legal and insurance industries. Trickbot is a notorious remote access Trojan that was in the crosshairs of ...
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KnowBe4 Fresh Content Updates from January: Including 'The Inside Man' Season 3 Official Trailer

Here are important fresh content updates and new features to share with you that happened in the month of January.
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[HEADS UP] New Phishing Kit Spotted on Over 700 Domains

A cybercriminal gang has recently developed a new phishing kit named LogoKit on several domains. LogoKit changes logos and text in real-time in order to adapt to the targeted victims.
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NSA Warns Against Using Third-Party DNS and Encourages DNS Over HTTPS

As cybercriminals look for new ways to attack organizations, the National Security Agency takes a hard look at how DNS can be manipulated and makes recommendations on how to secure it.
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Australians Experienced over 200K Scams in 2020 Costing Over A$176 Million

New data from the Australian government’s Scamwatch site shows that phishing and vishing topped the list of scam types used to trick Australians into becoming a scam’s next victim.
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UK Insurer Defends the Coverage of Ransomware Payments

Despite the U.K. government’s position that organizations should not make ransomware payments, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) includes payments in first-party cyber-insurance ...
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A UK Case Study: Recognizing COVID-19 Phishing

A phishing campaign is using convincingly spoofed offers for COVID-19 vaccination sign-ups, according to Tom Allen at Computing. As vaccines are now being distributed around the world, ...
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Microsoft: "Congrats KnowBe4 On being One Of The Top Apps In 2020"

Natee Pretikul, Senior Program Manager in Microsoft's Identity Engineering Strategic Alliances team just send us the following:
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Confident About Detecting Spoofed, Scam Emails?

A survey by ESET found that most people think they’d be able to identify scam emails while shopping online. 87% of respondents said they felt secure while shopping online, while 73% ...
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CISA's New Anti-Ransomware Campaign

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the ways organizations can defend themselves against ransomware attacks.
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KnowBe4 Unveils Official Trailer for ‘The Inside Man’ Season 3

We’re excited to announce the official trailer for Season 3 of the award-winning KnowBe4 Original Series - ‘The Inside Man’ is now available! KnowBe4’s network-quality video training ...
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Thousands of Stolen Credentials Accessible via Google Search as Cybercriminals Accidentally Make Them Public

A publishing goof by cybercriminals on a WordPress site made files containing stolen passwords indexable by Google and were subsequently publicly available via search.
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Microsoft Continues to Dominate as the Leading Brand Impersonated in Phishing Attacks

New data from Check Point Research highlights the latest details on which brands are impersonated, giving insight into where the bad guys are most successful.
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World Economic Forum: COVID Makes Cybersecurity Problem No. 1

The WEF just published their recent survey over worldwide corporate leaders. When asked about technology objectives that have become a greater priority due to COVID, they elevated ...
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Interpol Warns of Romance Scams

Interpol has issued a notice describing a scam tactic popular on dating applications. The scheme is a mixture of a romance scam and an investment fraud, taking advantage of victims’ ...
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[INFOGRAPHIC] Q4 2020 Work From Home Phishing Emails on the Rise

KnowBe4's latest quarterly report on top-clicked phishing email subjects is here. These are broken down into three different categories: social media related subjects, general subjects, ...
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Charming Kitten Phishing and Smishing Attacks Use Legitimate Google Links and a Tricky Redirection Strategy to Fool Security Solutions

This breakdown of the latest attack from the Charming Kitten cybercriminal gang shows just how much thought goes into obfuscating their tactics and evading detection.
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