The CyberWire wrote: Pitches: "Innovation from Young Companies The Pitch Panel was the Cyber Investing Summit's fast round of innovation pitches, moderated by Allegis's Bob Ackerman and Wells Fargo's Rich Baich.
The pitches were interactive conversations as much as they were the sort of high-concept company introductions familiar from, for example, Shark Tank."
KnowBe4 And The Creation Of The Human Firewall
CyberWire went on with: "Stu Sjouwerman, CEO of KnowBe4, presented his company's approach to creating what he called "the human firewall," effective training to protect employees against social engineering attacks. This is the sort of approach Kevin Mitnick, KnowBe4's Chief Hacking Officer, had earlier called "inoculation."
Ackerman asked an obvious question about training. How do you make it stick? Do you shame employees with their results. Sjouwerman thought that was exactly the wrong use of training: "No--that's no way to a security culture," and training is effective if and only if it leads to the formation of a healthy security culture.
Begin by establishing a baseline graph of employee susceptibility to social engineering. If the training is effectively conducted, you see over time the success of phishing go down." More at The CyberWire.
And here is a video of yours truly at the New York Stock Exchange during the Pitch Panel:
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