Security Awareness Training Blog

Phishing Blog

Learn about current phishing techniques, notable campaigns and attacks, what to watch out for 'in the wild', and more.

Automated Tailored EBAY Spam Campaign Leads to Risky Sites

Automated spam on eBay is spreading tailored phishing messages offering to promote users’ products, and the links the spammers share can lead to dangerous websites, according to Paul ...
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Phishing And Impersonation Attacks Balloon in South Africa

South African companies saw an increase in phishing attacks containing malicious links or attachments in the past year. This is according to Mimecast’s 2019 State of E-mail Security ...
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Discovered This Year: 5,334 Kits Offering Evasive Criminal Phishing-as-a-Service

Commodity phishing kits are making it easier for unskilled criminals to run sophisticated phishing campaigns for a low price, according to a report from cloud security provider Cyren.
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80% of all Brand Deception Phishing Scams Targeting Execs Pretend to be Microsoft

The prevalence of Office 365 and the Windows OS has caused cybercriminals to choose the software titan as their primary brand used in identity deception phishing scams.
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Over Half of Employees Don’t Adhere to Email Security Protocols

A new survey by Barracuda Networks shows that the vast majority (87%) of decision makers believe email threats will rise in the coming year. However, companies are ill-prepared to defend ...
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Cyber Crime Refines Their Social Engineering Tactics

Attackers are improving their strategies by accounting for new developments in technology, Help Net Security reports. Researchers at FireEye analyzed 1.3 billion phishing emails and ...
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Dridex Credential Stealer Returns With New Antivirus Evasion - Including Application Whitelisting

SCMag reported that a new strain of the notorious Dridex malware has been spotted using polymorphism antivirus evasion techniques in phishing emails. The Dridex credential-stealer that ...
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Which Of The Four Types of Social Engineering Is The Most Damaging?

Cybercriminals know that targeted social engineering attacks lead to the highest payoffs, so the frequency and sophistication of these attacks is guaranteed to increase, writes Jasmine ...
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1.5 Billion Gmail Calendar Users are the Target of a Crafty New Phishing Scam

Users of Google’s Calendar app are being warned about a scam that takes advantage of the popularity of the free service and its ability to schedule meetings easily.
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Phishing Attacks Go Mobile as Cybercriminals Leverage Push Notifications

Taking advantage of the inherent trust in mobile content, the bad guys are using a mixture of phishing text messages and look-alike sites to trick users into giving up credentials.
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[Heads-up] The U.S. Launched A Cyber Attack On Iran, And We're Expecting Spear Phishing Strike Backs

The tension in the Middle-East apparently prompted a game-changing move by the U.S. President. Washington Post sources say exactly 10 years after Stuxnet, the President approved a ...
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UK Forensic Crime Labs Shut Down Due To Ransomware Attack

Every police force across England and Wales has been forced to prioritize evidence for forensic testing following a criminal cyber attack affecting one of the primary forensic service ...
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FBI Alert: Last Week Conflict With Iran Can Cause Spear Phishing Retaliation

This blog post has been superseded by a more recent one. You can find this new post here.
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Phishing Campaign Impersonates Email Alerts From DHS

An ongoing email-based phishing scam is attempting to fool recipients into opening malicious attachments disguised as notifications from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ...
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Bogus Emails: 3.4 Billion Are Sent Every Day...

Research from Valimail shows that at least 3.4 billion phony emails are sent every day, Help Net Security reports. Despite this staggering number, most organizations still aren’t ...
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How Hackers Emptied Church Coffers with a Phishing Attack and Social Engineering Phone Call

Cyber thieves aren't bound by a code of ethics. They look for weak targets and high rewards, which is exactly what Saint Ambrose Catholic offered.
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Voicemail Phishing Scam Steals Credentials

A new phishing campaign is asking victims to click on a link in an email to download a voicemail, My Online Security reports. When recipients click on the link, they’ll be redirected to a ...
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FBI’s Advice on Spotting Phishing

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) released a PSA warning that attackers are exploiting people’s trust in sites that use HTTPS. Cybersecurity training has in the past rightly ...
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Tax Phishing in the UK

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has processed 2.6 million reports of attempted phishing attacks since 2016, Infosecurity Magazine reports. More than 1.9 million of these phishing ...
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Corporate Email Creates Unavoidable Phishing Risk

It’s impossible to avoid the risk of phishing attacks entirely, since employees still need to do their jobs, as Kelly Sheridan at Dark Reading puts it. Sheridan points to a recent report ...
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