Security Awareness Training Blog

KnowBe4 Blog

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Social Media Doppelgangers Strike Again

Most people would be surprised by how easy it is to scam people online using duplicate versions of public accounts, according to Jake Moore, a security specialist at ESET. Moore describes ...
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[On-Demand] The Best Ways to Stop Malware and Ransomware That No One Else Will Tell You

With malware attacks on the rise, making sure you keep your organization safe from a costly breach is a top priority. The two best things you can do to stop malware and ransomware attacks ...
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Legitimate Accounts for Illegitimate Business Email Compromise

Cybercriminals frequently use email accounts from legitimate services like Gmail to carry out business email compromise (BEC) attacks, Help Net Security reports. Researchers at Barracuda ...
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KnowBe4 Celebrates 10 Years by Planting 10,000 Trees Worldwide

We're celebrating 10 years as a company today! To celebrate this milestone, we'll be planting 10,000 trees around the world to celebrate our 10th anniversary and the addition of its ...
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Dark Patterns and the Craft of Online Persuasion

People should learn how to spot the tactics companies (and, more importantly, criminals) use to persuade customers (or marks), especially when those tactics are used deceitfully, ...
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Nearly Half of Dutch Listed Companies Do Not Provide Information on Cybersecurity in Annual Report

Many publicly traded companies in the Dutch AEX, AMX and AScX indices fail to be transparent on cybersecurity efforts in their annual reports. While the Netherlands is a highly digitized ...
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Leaked U.S.-UK Trade Documents Show How Devastating Compromised Email Can Be

An ongoing criminal investigation highlights how classified documents stolen by Russian hackers from former U.K. trade minister Liam Fox may have been used to impact the British 2019 ...
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Five Reasons Why Ransomware Attacks Should Be Your Biggest Worry and Aren’t Going Anywhere

No other cyberattack has evolved like ransomware. Today’s attacks are more pervasive, invasive, impactful, damaging, and costly. Learn why and what to do about it.
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The Importance of Identifying and Focusing on the Malicious Behavior

Identifying malicious behavior is a more effective long-term strategy than trying to block individual malicious actors, according to Johnathan Hunt, Vice President of Security at GitLab. ...
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Visit KnowBe4 at Black Hat USA 2020 - Virtual Event

Are you attending (the 100% virtual) Black Hat USA 2020? Be sure to stop by the KnowBe4 booth August 5-6th to find out how to secure your last line of defense: USERS.
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Is it a Quiz Scam? Is it Bad? Is it Back With a Vengeance?

The answer to all three questions would seem to be, "yes." Quiz scams have become widespread over the past year, but they’ve gone largely unremarked, researchers at Akamai have found. ...
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July Fresh Content Updates from KnowBe4: Including New Recommended Training Suggestions in the ModStore

Here are a few important fresh content and feature updates to share with you for the month of July.
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Introduction To KnowBe4's Services

KnowBe4 helps organizations to educate and train their employees against social engineering attacks, and carry out other required compliance training. KnowBe4 offers over 1,000 different ...
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Happy 21st Annual SysAdmins Day!

Today is SysAdmins Day, and if you have ever seen an episode of the awesome show “Dirty Jobs”, you might think you have seen the worst jobs out there. I mean crawling through sewer pipes, ...
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1 in 3 Employees Rarely or Never Think About Cybersecurity

Eye-opening data around the impact of human error demonstrates how simple user mistakes can compromise your organization’s cybersecurity posture.
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Sawfish Spearphishing Attacks Continue, Prompting Password Resets on GitHub and DeepSource

A new wave of attacks on GitHub users via app developer DeepSource has raised concerns over access to user credentials and development code.
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New CONTI Ransomware Family Touts Faster Encryption, Better Obfuscation, More Control

Just when you thought ransomware couldn’t sport something new, the latest family discovered by VMware’s Threat Analysis Unit shows significant advances in capabilities and execution.
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[HEADS UP] Cyber Attack at University of York Steals Personal Information from Staff and Students

In a recent report by the York Press, University of York has launched an investigation after personal information of students and staff was obtained by the bad guys.
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Brand-New Tool: Browser Password Inspector Helps Find Risky Passwords Your Users Save in the Browser

Cybercriminals are always looking for easy ways to hack into your network and steal your users’ credentials.
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New “” Phishing Attack Uses Microsoft, IBM Cloud Services to Add Legitimacy

Focused on stealing victim credentials, this new attack uses a number of tactics to establish credibility, avoid raising red flags, and ensure they get the victim’s real credentials.
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