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Global Cyber Attacks Continue to Rise as Q1 Sees a 7% Increase

New data highlights just how frequently cyber attacks are attempted and organizations are impacted - and the numbers are far more surprising than you’d think.
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WSJ: "Merck’s Insurers On the Hook in $1.4 Billion NotPetya Attack, Court Says"

I get the WSJ Cybersecurity newsletter, which by the way is warmly recommended. Kim Nash today reported a shocker which will make everyone's insurance premiums go even further up: "Six ...
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Does ChatGPT Have Cybersecurity Tells?

Poker players and other human lie detectors look for “tells,” that is, a sign by which someone might unwittingly or involuntarily reveal what they know, or what they intend to do. A ...
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[Jaw-Dropper] FTX's Cybersecurity Was Hilariously Bad

4/11/2023 - Gizmodo just dropped this eye-roll inducing news. The disgraced crypto exchange had no dedicated cybersecurity staff and "protected" users assets with minimal safeguards, ...
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"We are hurtling toward a glitchy, spammy, scammy, AI-powered internet."

This MIT Technology Review headline caught my eye, and I think you understand why. They described a new type of exploit called prompt injection.
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The New Face of Fraud: FTC Sheds Light on AI-Enhanced Family Emergency Scams

The Federal Trade Commission is alerting consumers about a next-level, more sophisticated family emergency scam that uses AI which imitates the voice of a "family member in distress".
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The Pope, Puff Jackets and Money going POOF!

You have probably seen it. Pope Francis in a designer puff jacket. It fooled millions of people. Culture writer Ryan Broderick called it the “first real mass-level AI misinformation case.”
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[Eyes Only] New Deepfake Pr0n Site Visits Skyrocket

This is a disgusting topic. It's also a very high social engineering risk. I will keep this post safe-for-work, which is not easy. NBC news just reported on the deepfake economy surging ...
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Oversharing Is a Risk to Information Security

Younger employees need to be wary of oversharing company information on social media, according to John Karabin, senior director of cybersecurity at NTT Ltd. In an article for ...
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[Security Masterminds] Unlock Maximum Cybersecurity: 3 Crucial Steps to Enhance Your Capabilities, Coverage, and Culture

Do you ever feel like you are always playing catch up regarding cybersecurity? That it is a never-ending game; no matter what you do, you are always one step behind. You are not alone. ...
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Half of Organizations Report at Least Monthly Outages from Cyberattacks

New data on the current state of cybersecurity shows that organizations are experiencing challenges, falling behind, and seeing the impact of all this post-attack.
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The Future of Cyber Attacks? Speed, More Speed

I get asked all the time to “predict” the future of cybercrime. What will be the next big cyber attack? What will be the next paradigm platform shift that attackers will target? And so on.
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[Eye Popper] The AI Genie Has Escaped: Stanford copied ChatGPT for a few hundred bucks

Yikes. Loz Blain at NewAtlas just reported that Stanford has copied the ChatGPT AI for less than $600. The article started out with: "Stanford's Alpaca AI performs similarly to the ...
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Threat Actors are Using FINRA Impersonation For Their Attacks

DomainTools warns that a sophisticated West Africa-based fraud group is impersonating the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to target users in the United States, according ...
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Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears

Robert Lemos at DARKReading just reported on a worrying trend. The title said it all, and the news is that more than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large ...
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[On-Demand] A Master Class on Cybersecurity: Roger Grimes Teaches Data-Driven Defense

Even the world’s most successful organizations have significant weaknesses in their cybersecurity defenses, which determined hackers can exploit at will. There’s even a term for it: ...
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[Eye Opener] Businessweek: The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About

This morning, Bloomberg News pointed at a brand new article at BusinessWeek, one of their media properties. This is an excellent article that exposes the vulnerabilities when ...
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The Curse of Cybersecurity Knowledge

The curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias that occurs when someone is trying to communicate information to another person, but falsely assumes that the other person has the same level of ...
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How Artificial Intelligence Can Make or Break Cybersecurity

With the introduction of OpenAI's Chat GPT, artificial intelligence is no longer considered part of science fiction. It has presented a new problem for cybersecurity professionals, as ...
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Initial Access Brokers Leverage Legitimate Google Ads to Gain Malicious Access

A threat actor tracked as DEV-0569 appears to be using a combination of Google Ads and impersonated websites to compromise credentials and distribute malware to gain network access.
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