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Can You Guess Common Phishing Themes in Southeast Asia?

Researchers at Cyfirma outline trends in phishing campaigns around the world, finding that Singapore is disproportionately targeted by phishing attacks.
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AP Stylebook Data Breach Compromises Customer Personal Information

The Associated Press (AP) has disclosed a data breach affecting the legacy AP Stylebook website that led to phishing attacks against impacted customers, BleepingComputer reports.
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Microsoft Teams Phishing Campaign Distributes DarkGate Malware

Researchers at Truesec are tracking a phishing campaign that’s distributing the DarkGate Loader malware via external Microsoft Teams messages.
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New Telekopye Phishing Toolkit Uses Telegram-Based Bots To Turn Novice Scammers into Experts

The Telekopye toolkit allows scammers to create phishing websites, send fraudulent SMS messages and emails, and target popular Russian and non-Russian online marketplaces.
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Hacking Your Digital Identity: How Cybercriminals Can and Will Get Around Your Authentication Methods

Inadequate authentication measures leave your digital identity vulnerable to cybercriminals. Tools like multi-factor authentication, biometrics, passwords, PINs and tokens are more ...
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Nearly One-Quarter of Financial-Themed Spam Emails are Phishing Attacks

While spam tends to be dismissed as being more of an annoyance, new research shows that there is a very real and ever-present threat in emails that are marked as “spam”.
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[Must Know] Cybercriminals May Already Have Hacked Your LinkedIn Account. How To Secure.

New reports show many LinkedIn users have reported complaints about accounts being taken over by bad actors.
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Online Scams Targeting Individuals Double in a Single Quarter as Global Risk Rises

New analysis of the second quarter of this year makes it clear that individuals and organizations alike are at an increasing risk of web- and email-based scams.
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[FREE RESOURCE KIT] Cybersecurity Awareness Month Kit 2023 Now Available

Get the resources you need to help keep your users safe from malicious social engineering attacks during this year's Cybersecurity Awareness Month with our free resource kit.
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Fraud Masquerades as Anti-Fraud

Many of us have received a phone call or other notification from a credit card company telling us that they’ve detected suspicious activity on our card. Was it us? Did we just spend $500 ...
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Heads Up: Google Inactive Account Deletion Notifications

Google announced an update to their inactive account policies in May. Accounts that have been inactive for a period of two years or more will start being deleted in December 2023, at the ...
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Russia-Based Global Cybersecurity Vendor Group-IB Exits the Russian Market

Amid potential concerns by governments, customers, and prospects about ties with the Russian government, the cybersecurity vendor Group-IB continues in its promise to separate itself from ...
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The Secret's Out: Researchers Reveal Backdoor in Emergency Radio Encryption

For over 25 years, a technology utilized for vital data and voice radio communications globally has remained under wraps, preventing in-depth testing for potential vulnerabilities. ...
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European Union Healthcare Sees the Number of Cyber Incidents Double in 2023

A new report focused on the healthcare sector sheds light on the state of cyber attacks in the European Union, including the types of attacks, who’s targeted, motivations, and who’s ...
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Australia’s National Anti-Scam Centre: Prevention Is Better Than the Cure

Australia officially launched their National Anti-Scam Centre this week. With more than AUD $3.1 billion lost each year, Australians need support.
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The Number of Phishing Attack Cases in Singapore Jump by 185%

The latest data provided by the Singapore Cyber Emergency Response Team (SingCERT) shows the number of attacks trending in the wrong direction, with some indicators that the good guys ...
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U.K. Twitter Impersonation Hacker Sentenced to Prison in the U.S.

The British national responsible for hacking into and impersonating high-profile individuals as part of a crypto theft scheme has been sentenced to five years in prison.
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Free Unsolicited Smartwatch in the Mail and I’m in the Military? What Could Possibly Go Wrong???

From the “shaking our heads” files comes the story of how threat actors compromised military personnel mobile devices, credentials, accounts and more.
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Camaro Dragon APT Group Continues to Employ USB Devices as Initial Attack Vector

Apparently expanding efforts outside of Southeast Asian countries, this threat group’s known malware has shown up in a European healthcare facility, raising concerns for USB-based attacks.
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HTML Files Top the List as the Most Commonly Used Malicious Attachment

As executables and scripts are unable to bypass security solutions as attachments, cybercriminals turn to HTML as a means of obfuscation and malicious execution.
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