Security Awareness Training Blog

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Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Double-check that cashiers check

The fake cashier's check scam has gotten more sophisticated. Cathy Bussewitz at the pressdemocrat site reported on this one: "It usually starts when a seller posts a big-ticket item on ...
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Scam Of The Week

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="LeakedIn"][/caption] Never 'check' your password. Change it! The last few weeks, it came to light that some major websites were ...
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Survey Says: ACH Fraud Losses Down

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="Tracy Kitten"][/caption]It's not all bad news! Tracy Kitten over at BankInfoSecurity reported on a positive trend. "Banks are doing a ...
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Half of Small Businesses Not Concerned About Security Breaches [INFOGRAPHIC]

Samantha Murphy at Mashable wrote: "Shred-It conducted a survey among 1,136 U.S. small business owners with companies of fewer than 100 employees, and 100 corporate-level executives who ...
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Atomic scientists compare cyberwar to development of nuclear bomb

Foxnews reported on June 15, 2012: "Cyberbombs are the new atom bombs." "The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned Friday that the race to build and deploy cyberweapons -- secret ...
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CyberheistNews vol 2, #25

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Retelling a Password Nightmare in the Wake of the LinkedIn Password Leak

Alan Shimel tell us an enlightening and cautionary tale how his password was hijacked and how much time it took him to get it all back under control. This is a warmly recommended read ...
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Stuxnet, Duqu, Flame: What It Means For You

The cyberweapon genie is out of the bottle, and the U.S. is engaged in a cyberwar. Now it becomes clear why the Government has been trying to get private industry to agree to certain ...
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Google to warn users of 'state-sponsored' hacking

The Guardian reported that Google will warn users of 'state-sponsored' hacking: "Search giant says it will alert Gmail users about targeted attacks, in move that could aid human rights ...
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LinkedIn was hacked and 6.46 million encrypted passwords have been leaked on a Russian forum. This is not good, as the encrypted passwords are relatively easy to crack. If you are using ...
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Why antivirus companies failed to catch Flame and Stuxnet

Arstechnica picked up the blog post of F-Secure's Chief Research Officer: A/V outfits were out of their league. Mikko Hypponen is the Chief Research Officer of F-Secure. He has been ...
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Apple Releases Guide To iOS Security

Techcrunch wrote: "Apple has introduced a guide to iOS security, which was posted to sometime in late May, but is just now being noticed outside the Apple developer community. ...
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Microsoft releases 'Anti-Flame' Update

Redmond stated: "We recently became aware of a complex piece of targeted malware known as “Flame” and immediately began examining the issue. As many reports assert, Flame has been used in ...
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F-Secure Cautions about Fresh Olympic-themed Spam

F-Secure the security company based in Finland has recently cautioned that spam mails themed on the Olympics are targeting Internauts while carrying web-links to one malevolent PDF file ...
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Fake LinkedIn Emails To Reset Your Password

Since LinkedIn had their IPO, they have been in the news a lot more, even if only to compare them with the recent Facebook IPO Debacle. But the better known you are, the bigger target you ...
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Free Data Loss Prevention Suite

OpenDLP is a free and open source, agent- and agentless-based, centrally-managed, massively distributable data loss prevention tool released under the GPL. Given appropriate Windows, ...
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Over-55s Pick Passwords Twice As Secure As Teenagers

"People over the age of 55 pick passwords double the strength of those chosen by people under 25 years old. That's according to the largest ever study of password security, which also ...
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Malicious PowerPoint File Contains Exploit, Drops Backdoor

TrendLabs discovered a malicious MS PowerPoint document that arrives attached to email messages. The file contains an embedded Flash file, which exploits a software bug found in specific ...
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Make 30 Bucks In 30 Minutes!: Beta Test

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="30 Bucks In 30 Minutes"][/caption]We need immediate Beta Testers for our Internet Security Awareness Training! This is a THIS WEEKEND ...
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Aaaugh! 1 in 5 U.S. Windows PCs Lack Antivirus Defenses

Un-friggin-believable but true. Don't be one of them! Gregg Keizer at ComputerWorld was the first with this story. "Nearly a fifth of Windows PCs in the U.S. lack any active security ...
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