Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Russian SolarWinds Hackers Newly Attack Supply Chain With Password-Spraying and Phishing

Researchers at Microsoft have observed an attack phishing campaign by Russia’s SVR that’s targeting resellers and managed service providers. Microsoft tracks this threat actor as ...
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New Ransomware Variant Brings with it the Dawn of the Era of “Quintuple-Extortion”

A ransomware gang with a new variant is trailblazing us towards the future of ransomware by making threats that go well beyond the simple ransom transactions of yesterday.
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Perry Carpenter Interviews with Safety Detectives

Our very own Perry Carpenter, KnowBe4's Chief Evangelist and Strategy Officer, recently interviewed with Aviva Zacks of Safety Detectives.
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Celebrity Hacks and the Frenzy of Renown

Avast offers a look at incidents in which celebrities have been the victim of social engineering attacks. The firm notes that while celebrities are higher profile targets, attackers use ...
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Phishing Campaign Targets Organizations in India and Afghanistan

A threat actor based in Pakistan is targeting entities in India and Afghanistan with malware-laden websites, according to researchers at Cisco Talos.
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New Impersonation Attack Demonstrates That Threat Actors Don’t Need to Get the Logo Correct

A new trend in social engineering and impersonation emerges as cybercriminals take advantage of a user’s inability to properly identify fake corporate logos in phishing attacks.
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Cybercriminal Group SnapMC Takes a Page from Ransomware Gangs in Data Breach-Turned-Extortion Attacks

New analysis of attacks shows threat actors that traditionally focus on stealing data are now utilizing extortion as their monetization strategy, converging tactics with ransomware ...
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Deepfake Technology is Cloning a Voice from the C-Suite

Criminals used deepfake technology to steal $35 million from a company in the United Arab Emirates, Forbes reports. The attackers used “deep voice” technology to spoof the voice of a ...
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Why Security Awareness Testing Alone Isn’t Enough

Here is a story from one of our customers who wants to help other organizations like you strengthen their cybersecurity practices. Find out about the important lessons they learned when ...
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1 in 3 IT Organizations Have no Cyberattack Incident Response Plan

Despite increases in ransomware attacks, ransom amounts and how often payments are made, new data shows organizations aren’t responding in kind and putting response plans in place.
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Ex-Bank of America Employee Charged with Business Email Compromise Money Laundering

A three-person team – including a personal banker at Bank of America – have been indicted for reportedly being behind a BEC scam that took 5 companies for over $1.1 Million.
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We Are Official Guinness World Records Holders!

It gives us great pleasure to announce that Eskenzi PR, KnowBe4 and OneLogin now hold the Guinness World Records® title for the Most views of a cybersecurity lesson video on YouTube in 24 ...
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Iranian Phishing Campaigns Are Running Rampant

Researchers at Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) are tracking phishing campaigns by the Iranian threat actor APT35 (also known as Charming Kitten). The attackers used compromised ...
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Two-Thirds of Organizations Have Been a Target of Ransomware

The latest data reveals ransomware’s pervasiveness throughout every industry, size, and type of organization, confirming its’ place as the number one cyberthreat today - and a glaring ...
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U.S. Treasury Puts Out New Advisory on Potential Sanctions Risks for Facilitating Ransomware Payments

An update to the October 2020 advisory, the U.S. Treasury warns companies to mitigate ransomware attacks rather than paying ransoms to threat actors that pose a threat to national ...
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Hospitals Respond to Influx of Ransomware Attacks by Increasing Budgets

The ransomware onslaught on hospitals and healthcare organizations is being seen as the catalyst for boards to shift operational priorities and put more focus on cybersecurity initiatives.
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A Novel Form of Homographic Attack

A phishing campaign is using mathematical symbols to impersonate Verizon’s logo, according to researchers at Verizon. The emails use either a red square root symbol or a logical NOR ...
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U.K. Residents Experience a 116% Increase in Nuisance Calls, Texts, and Emails in 2021

New data from the U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) shows a massive rise in the first six months of this year – and the belief that cyberattacks are to blame.
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Warning: Cybercriminals Target Organizations Going Through M&A Activity

The changing of hands of significant amounts of money is enough reason to get the attention of cybercriminals. So, how can organizations prepare for what should be an expected series of ...
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