Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears

Robert Lemos at DARKReading just reported on a worrying trend. The title said it all, and the news is that more than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large ...
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[SCAM OF THE WEEK] Is ChatGPT Your Next Financial Advisor?

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot created by OpenAI, has risen in popularity since its release last year. Now, cybercriminals are using ChatGPT’s popularity to lure you ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #10 [Eye Opener] BusinessWeek: The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About

CyberheistNews Vol 13 #10 | March 7th, 2023 [Eye Opener] BusinessWeek: The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About This week, Bloomberg News pointed at a brand-new article at ...
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Three out of Four Organizations Have Experienced a Successful Email-Based Attack as Impacts Increase

New data shows just how impactful these attacks are, with 98% of victim organizations reporting some form of impact from email-based cyber attacks.
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Coping With “Double-Extortion” Royal Ransomware

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the FBI last week issued a joint advisory on Royal ransomware. Royal is noteworthy for its ability to disable various ...
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Ransomware Attacks on Industrial Infrastructure Climb 87% Despite Security Improvements to ICS Environments

Since the goal of ransomware is to initially disrupt operations, the targeting of industrial control systems has been an increasing focus for specific ransomware groups.
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Executive Impersonation Business Email Compromise Attacks Go Beyond English Worldwide

Despite hearing mostly about BEC attacks in English-speaking countries, analysis of new attack groups highlight the threat of these kinds of attacks in other languages.
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[On-Demand] A Master Class on Cybersecurity: Roger Grimes Teaches Data-Driven Defense

Even the world’s most successful organizations have significant weaknesses in their cybersecurity defenses, which determined hackers can exploit at will. There’s even a term for it: ...
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Your KnowBe4 Fresh Content Updates from February 2023

Check out the 24 new pieces of training content added in February, alongside the always fresh content update highlights, events and new features.
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Financial Services Sector at Risk of More Significant Impacts of Email-Based Cyber Attacks

Financial services businesses are already in the sights of cybercriminals, and understanding how cyber attacks impact this sector specifically can help establish the need for improved ...
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CISA's latest ransomware warning promotes fighting social engineering at the top of the document, once again

So, today CISA released another ransomware notice. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security that is ...
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[On-Demand] 5 Ways PhishER Saves You Time and Money

Time is the one resource you never get back. Cutting the amount of time between the moment your user reports a suspicious email and when your InfoSec team responds can mean the difference ...
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Customer Care Numbers as Phishbait

Researchers at CloudSEK have published a report looking at fraudulent customer service phone numbers in India. The researchers found around 20,000 of these phone numbers targeting users ...
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[Eye Opener] Businessweek: The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About

This morning, Bloomberg News pointed at a brand new article at BusinessWeek, one of their media properties. This is an excellent article that exposes the vulnerabilities when ...
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Remote Workers Significantly Increase the Cost of Remediating Email-Based Cyberattacks as Costs Average $1 Million

With the average cost of the most expensive successful email attack at over $1 million, it’s necessary to begin to zero in on where the material sources of risk exist to keep these ...
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NameCheap’s SendGrid Email Account Compromised, Used to Send Phishing Emails

Since phishing attacks need legitimacy to increase their deliverability, this latest twist shows how phishing scammers and hackers are working together to ensure phishing attacks continue.
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Business Email Compromise Gang Gets Jail Time for Stealing Millions

An international cybercriminal operation responsible for millions of dollars in business email compromise (BEC) scams has finally been dismantled.
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Blind Eagle Goes Phishing

BlackBerry has published a report on a threat actor, Blind Eagle, also known as APT-C-36, which has been operating against targets in Ecuador and Colombia since at least 2019. Its most ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 13 #09 [Eye Opener] Should You Click on Unsubscribe?

CyberheistNews Vol 13 #09 | February 28th, 2023 [Eye Opener] Should You Click on Unsubscribe? By Roger A. Grimes. Some common questions we get are "Should I click on an unwanted email's ...
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Thousands of NPM Packages Used to Spread Phishing Links

Researchers at Checkmarx warn that attackers uploaded more than 15,000 packages to NPM, the open-source repository for JavaScript packages, to distribute phishing links. The packages ...
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