Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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Why Hack When You Can Con?

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Organizations Experiencing Attacks Rises by 35% as Most Consider Themselves Cyber-Novices

An increase in attacks should equate to a rise in organizational cyber-preparedness. But according to new research from U.K. cyber insurer Hiscox, organizations simply aren’t ready.
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U.S. Organizations Involved with Nuclear Deterrence are the Target of North Korean Phishing Attacks

Using some very sophisticated methods, the Kimsuky group is believed to be behind a spear phishing campaign aimed at stealing U.S. secrets.
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[PODCAST] Understanding Social Engineering and Maintaining Healthy Paranoia

Recorded Future's Guest today was Rosa Smothers, senior vice president of cyber operations at KnowBe4, where she leads KnowBe4’s federal practice efforts, including providing ...
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Virtual Hard Disk Images Containing Malware Are Ignored by Windows and Antivirus Engines

This disturbing find by a CERT researcher demonstrates how attackers can encode malicious files within a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image that acts in the same way as a ZIP archive.
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Universities Worldwide are the Target of Phishing Attacks by a Hacking Group Aimed at Stealing Research and Intellectual Property

The Iranian hacker group dubbed Colbalt Dickens has hit over 60 universities around the globe attempting to steal credentials to provide access to sensitive data.
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Many in Utilities Sector Expect Attacks on Critical Infrastructure: Survey

Ed Kovacs at SecurityWeek reported on something that is one of the few things that keep me "awake at night":
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"Staggering" Increase in Business Email Compromise--aka CEO Fraud

Mimecast’s quarterly Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA) identified millions of dangerous emails making it through security filters, including a 269% increase in business email ...
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Fake News and Deepfakes: Harmless Fun or the Future of Fraud?

We have all seen them. Fake news articles that get passed off as legit sources. Misleading memes. Entertaining videos that swap people’s faces. But what if these deception techniques were ...
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Ransomware Still Plagues Organizations Despite Feeling Prepared for an Attack

New data from security vendor AlienVault shines a light on the real state of ransomware, and how concerned IT organizations are with preparing for and dealing with an attack.
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Cybercriminals Leverage the U.K.’s Strong Customer Authentication Requirement in a New String of Phishing Attacks

Attackers are taking advantage of the requirement to secure online shopping and banking transactions processed within the U.K. to gather personal details of consumers and users alike.
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Brand-New: Multi-Factor Authentication Security Assessment Tool Helps Assess Your Organization's MFA Vulnerabilities

You already know that using multi-factor authentication (MFA) can decrease your cybersecurity risk, and certainly is a much stronger defense compared to using traditional passwords alone. ...
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Chinese State-Sponsored Phishing

A sophisticated threat group is going after a variety of industries using spearphishing and an arsenal of malware, according to Nalani Fraser and Fred Plan from FireEye. Fraser and Plan ...
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Is Cyberinsurance a Reason for the Rise in Ransomware Attacks?

Are cybercriminals counting on the victim’s simple cost-to-benefit decision to have their cyber-insurer pay the ransom? And, if so, are they targeting companies with cyberinsurance?
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Now *here* is something new! What The Heck Is War Shipping?

Our friends at Malwarebytes have a great article about this written by Pieter Arntz. This is a cross-post with grateful acknowledgement! :-D
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Casbaneiro is the Hook in Alt-Coin Phishing

The Casbaneiro banking Trojan is going after Latin American victims’ cryptocurrency, Verdict reports. It’s being distributed via phishing emails which trick victims into downloading a ...
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Fall LinkedIn Job Postings Are a Prime Vehicle for Job Scams, Cyber Attacks

LinkedIn says the Fall hiring season is very hot right now. With more than 20 million jobs posted, LinkedIn is the perfect way for scammers to trick users into becoming victims.
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[Heads up] FBI Warns About Attacks That Bypass Your Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Last month, the FBI sent a special alert called a Private Industry Notification (PIN) to industry partners about the rising threat of attacks that bypass their multi-factor authentication ...
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