Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

KnowBe4 Wins ComputingSecurity Award: Education and Training Provider of the Year

We are extremely pleased to announce we won the ComputingSecurity Award for Education and Training Provider of the Year. Here is the team accepting the award.
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Don’t Fall Victim to Breach Fatigue

People shouldn’t let news of data breaches dissuade them from trying to protect their information, according to security researcher Ray [REDACTED]. On the CyberWire’s Hacking Human ...
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An Unusually Vile Bit of Social Engineering

A woman in Wales lost £1,000 to a scammer who posed as a police officer and threatened that she would lose her children if she didn’t pay the money within an hour, Wales Online reports. ...
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A Former CIA Officer Shows You How to Make Your Organization a Hard Target

Having spent over a decade as part of the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence and the Counterterrorism Mission Center, Rosa Smothers knows the ins and outs of leading cyber operations ...
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Scam Of The Week: Bogus Performance Review as Phishbait

New phishing attacks are imitating performance appraisals in order to steal employees’ credentials, according to IBM SecurityIntelligence. The attackers are posing as HR employees and ...
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A Lawyer's Look at "Big Game Phishing"

Ransomware attacks have increasingly been going after high-value data in order to extract larger ransoms from victims, according to the well-known law firm Cooley. This trend was ...
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Security Awareness Training is a Key Part of an Effective Cyber Risk Resilience and Prevention Strategy

Organizations investing in cyber security technology and process are expressing risk in economical terms, helping to drive a cost-effective security stance – one that includes training.
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Microsoft Recommends: "Top 6 Email Security Best Practices"... And One Of Them Is Phishing Simulations

Girish Chander, Microsoft's Group Program Manager of Office 365 Security wrote an excellent post on their blog titled "Top 6 email security best practices to protect against phishing ...
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[INFOGRAPHIC] Cost of Ransomware Related Downtime Increased More Than 200 Percent, an Amount 23 Times Greater Than the Ransom Request

Datto, a leading global provider of IT solutions delivered through managed service providers (MSPs), announced its fourth annual Global State of the Channel Ransomware Report. The survey ...
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North Korean Front Company Used to Compromise Mac Users

Suspected North Korean hackers used a front company to spread a malicious cryptocurrency app to both Windows and Mac users, BleepingComputer reports. The APT known as the Lazarus Group ...
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A New Attack Category is Born: You Now Need to Also Worry About Evasive Spear Phishing

Researchers have combed through 25 million emails and found a new method of attack that blends two previously seen attack types combined into a single attack.
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MSPs Should Offer Security Awareness Training as Part of a Complete Security Service Offering

The opportunity to both better secure customers while generating recurring revenue through customer end-user education is ripe for the taking for MSPs focusing on security services.
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China's Criminal Hacking Spree Created A Boeing Competitor

Crowdstrike just released an explosive report which details the lengths China went to narrow the gap of the technological delta between them and market leaders like Boeing and Airbus.
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CRN: "Kevin Mandia -- Detect Spear Phishing, Lock Down CEO Email To Stay Safe"

Michael Novinson at CRN had a great article that really explains the issues we are dealing with. He started out with: "Spear phishing remains the most common way for adversaries to ...
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Simjacking is Still a Problem, British Food Writer Lost £5,000

British food writer Jack Monroe lost £5,000 due to a simjacking attack, the BBC reports. In a series of tweets, Monroe said someone had taken over her phone number and used the access to ...
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It’s Baaaaaaaack! Emotet Trojan Rears Its Ugly Head Once Again After a 3-Month Vacation

One of the most dangerous pieces of malware to-date, this trojan-turned-botnet has come back after a brief hiatus and appears to be a part of a new spear phishing campaign targeting ...
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Cyber Risk Remains a Top Concern for Organizations While Lacking Confidence in Addressing Cyber Threats

It appears priority and ability to execute are two very different things when it comes to dealing with cyber threats, according to the latest data from Marsh and Microsoft.
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Extremely Embarrassing 250,000-record Data Breach At

The data of 250,000 users of, a forum where experiences with prostitutes and escorts are exchanged, have been stolen and offered for sale on the internet. It concerns e-mail ...
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