Security Awareness Training Blog

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Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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9-Month Compromise of Wawa Results in Data Breach of More Than 30 Million Credit Cards

The breach, discovered in December of last year, is suspected to have led to the theft of and subsequent and sale of one of the largest takes of customer credit card data on the dark web.
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Phishing Attacks Target Telecom Companies and their Tools to Facilitate SIM Swapping Attacks

Hackers are phishing telecom workers and “authorized retailers” to steal credentials and gain access to internal company tools. The end game is to modify SIM settings to help with a ...
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Judge Orders Insurer to Pay on Small Business Ransomware Claim

Despite attempting to deny the claim revolving around a 2016 ransomware attack, a recent court ruling has caused an Ohio insurer to help cover the losses.
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It's the Access, Not the Technology

Exercising a suitable level of operational security is the key to protecting yourself from the consequences of sophisticated cyber attacks, according to Lionel Laurent at Bloomberg. ...
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Phishing Telcos for SIM-Swapping

Motherboard reports that SIM swappers are launching phishing attacks against employees at Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint in order to hijack customer service tools. Once they have access to ...
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‘Ryuk Stealer’ Searches for and Steals Confidential Files from Government, Military, and Law Enforcement

The newest strain of Ryuk ransomware has added new keywords and filetypes to expand its ability to find files with content that can be turned into money through sale, extortion, or ransom.
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Latest Ryuk Ransomware Attacks on Oil and Gas Companies Includes Compromising Active Directory

Ransomware has definitely grown up from its infant stages where it simply infected one computer. From spreading through lateral movement, to the use of a victim's email to spread the ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 10 #5

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A Look Inside the Phishing Tackle Shop

The sophisticated 16Shop phishing kit can now target PayPal and American Express users, according to researchers from ZeroFOX. The researchers came across a new version of 16Shop that ...
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New Malware Upgrade Steals Browser and Email Client Credentials

Nothing is safe anymore. While tricking users into giving up their credentials still seems pretty impressive, new updates to the FTCode ransomware target the IDs and passwords on your ...
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Cyber-Insurance Premiums Jump as High as 25% and May Now Require Co-Insurance

With enough claims under the belts of insurance companies covering data ransoms, data theft, and other types of cyberattack, the risk appears to be shifting somewhat back to the ...
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5 Tips to Prevent CEO Fraud

Every day, employees are regularly receiving spoofed emails. Even C-level executives are receiving fraudulent requests to transfer money or provide sensitive information. This form of ...
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Contributing to the Delinquency of a Major

A Swedish man used a multitude of forged credentials and a fake school diploma to join the Swedish military, where he maintained the ruse for eighteen years and eventually attained the ...
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Scam Of The Week: "Kobe Bryant Dead, Dies in Helicopter Crash"

Today, news broke that Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash. His daughter Gigi was also on board and died in the crash. This is a celebrity death that the bad guys are going to be ...
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[Heads-up] Will Proposed New Laws *Ban* Making Ransomware Payments?

The ransomware scourge has become much worse the last 12 months. Highly organized cybercrime gangs have iterated their attacks into a massive extortion racket.
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US Government Agency Spear Phished With New CARROTBALL Malware

According to new research posted by Palo Alto Networks' Unit 42, a US Government agency and two non-US foreign nationals professionally affiliated with North Korea were targeted by spear ...
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Ransomware Costs Double as Attacks Increase in Downtime and Sophistication

With payouts as much as $780,000, new data shows ransomware threat actors are going after every sized organization doing more damage and asking for more money.
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New EFS Ransomware Attack Uses Windows Encrypting File System Against Itself

The newly-spotted form of ransomware takes advantage of encryption capabilities built into Windows making it difficult for AV vendors to stop it.
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Domain-Impersonation Increases by 400% as part of Conversational Hijacking Attacks

The latest data from security vendor Barracuda suggests that attackers heavily rely on lookalike domains as part of BEC scams that can result in CEO fraud, malware infection, or ransom.
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FDIC Warns U.S. Financial Institutions of Elevated Risk of Cyberattack

Citing “increased geopolitical tension”, banks are warned to immediately reevaluate to shore up cybersecurity controls and technology safeguards against ransomware and malware attacks.
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