Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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Email Test Finds More Than 50% of Kingston School District Employees Vulnerable to Phishing

More than half of the people who have Kingston school district email accounts opened a potentially damaging phishing email sent to them by a firm that's helping the district gauge ...
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January Content Update: Including the new 2020 KnowBe4 Social Engineering Red Flags Training Module

Here are a few important updates to share with you from the month of January.
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Anatomy of a Rental Phishing Scam

There was an unsuccessful phishing attempt that security professional Jeffrey Ladish almost fell for. Jeffrey was house searching and was looking on Craigslist and Zillow for rental ...
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Charities Need to Watch Out for Scammers

The UK’s National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has warned charities to be wary of scammers, Charity Digital News reports. The NCVO’s Road Ahead 2020 report outlines trends ...
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Look-alike Domain Spoofing Scam Takes Charity for $1 Million

In yet another case of business email compromise, a charity is fooled through a combination of diligence, sophistication, and social engineering.
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EKANS Ransomware Attacks Focus on Disrupting Businesses Reliant Upon Industrial Control Systems

Leveraging knowledge of industrial control systems, this relatively new ransomware variant is looking to be as disruptive as possible to operations by killing processes and encrypting ...
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[On-Demand] Learn How to Forensically Examine Phishing Emails to Better  Protect Your Organization

Cyber crime has become an arms race where the bad guys constantly evolve their attacks while you, the vigilant defender, must diligently expand your know how to prevent intrusions into ...
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Not the Antiques Roadshow

Scammers conned a Dutch museum into sending them £2.4 million (about $3.1 million) by posing as a real London-based art dealer who planned to sell the museum a John Constable painting, ...
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New DoppelPaymer Ransomware Makes Money Off of You Whether You Pay the Ransom or Not

Taking a page from the Maze ransomware playbook, the creators of DoppelPaymer don’t just encrypt your data; they have found channels to sell if it you don’t pay up.
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Law Firms Are the Latest Victims of Maze’s Ransomware and Extortion Attacks

With five law firms hit within just the last week, the Maze ransomware is making itself known and should be a warning to any and all legal firms that preventing an attack is paramount.
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Product Update: The New KnowBe4 ModStore is Here

Good news!! The new ModStore is now live in the console. KnowBe4 is excited to announce the rollout of a new and improved interface for the KnowBe4 ModStore in your KnowBe4 console. The ...
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Unusual New Botnet-driven Phishing Attack With Tricky Downloaders

A large phishing campaign is distributing malicious Excel documents and utilizing irritating pop-ups to trick users into enabling macros, researchers at Lastline have found. The campaign ...
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Ashley Madison Data Breach Comes Back to Haunt Customers with New Sextortion Scam

Just when you thought everyone forgot about participation on the ill-famed cheaters website, a new phishing scam looks to use the breached data as the basis for extorting the site’s users.
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It Was Only a Matter of Time: Sodinokibi Hold Dark Web Hacking Competition

Feeling like a page taken out of the SpaceX competitions, the latest shock comes from news of an underworld hacking competition intent on sharing cutting edge malicious code.
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Intelligence Services Get Phishing Licenses

New York Times journalist Ben Hubbard was targeted by a spear phishing attack designed to deliver NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, researchers at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab have ...
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U.S. 2020 Election-Themed Ransomware Attacks Are on Their Way – And Local Govt's Aren’t Prepared

New research shows local governments practice a distinct lack of cybersecurity preparedness. And with local, state, and national elections coming up this year, cyberattacks are a concern.
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[Heads-up] Scam Of The Week: Coronavirus Phishing Attacks In The Wild

Yup, you can count on it, when there is a worldwide health scare, the bad guys are on it like flies on $#!+. We are seeing a new malicious phishing campaign that is based on the fear of ...
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UN Offices Hacked By SharePoint Vulnerability Says Newly Leaked Report

A newly released report said dozens of United Nations servers were compromised by a remote code execution Microsoft SharePoint vulnerability in July of 2019. The offices targeted were ...
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