Last week, Fedor Sinitisyn, blogger and security researcher for Kaspersky posted something worrisome. He reported that the Angler Exploit Kit was delivering a new second-generation type ...
This is one of the rare Cyberheist NewsFlash issues that we send when we run into something important enough to alert you about right away. Please forward to your friends and colleagues.
The brokerage house, Benjamin F. Edwards & Co., announced this week that they had suffered a data breach. May 24, 2014 they had their computer systems compromised by an unauthorized ...
Security experts have warned for years that our smartphones are due for a major cyberattack. Like PCs back in the early days -- the 1990s -- mobile phones are largely unprotected by ...
Roger Grimes over at InfoWorld did a great write-up about the state of cyber ransom these days. He also went back in history for a while and gives the factors that have led up to the ...
It looks like the Russian evil genius behind Cryptolocker, Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev, has not been sitting still since the recent international law enforcement "Operation Tovar" which ...
And here's another ransomware wannabe that has ripped off the CryptoLocker brand but is something totally different. A recent spam campaign sending out emails masquerading as an ...
You may be familiar with a site called Spiceworks. They have free system admin and network management software, and their business model is advertising to the hundreds of thousands that ...
Today, in the Wall Street Journal, an article told the story of a software product called blackshades that experts call a "rat" (Remote Access Trojan) which was commercially sold to cyber ...