Security Awareness Training Blog

Ransomware Blog

Keeping you updated on the latest ransomware attack vectors, strains, decryptors, families and trends to help you avoid becoming infected.

New Ransomware Holds iPhones and iPads Hostage

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That ransomware payment is coming out of your allowance

Cartoon: Parenting is very different in 2014 compared to 1989! "That ransomware payment is coming out of your allowance."
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 20 CryptoLocker Goes Spear-Phishing

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 20
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CryptoLocker Goes SpearPhishing

You may be familiar with a site called Spiceworks. They have free system admin and network management software, and their business model is advertising to the hundreds of thousands that ...
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Elite Hackers Develop Cybercrime Attack Kits As Market Matures

Today, in the Wall Street Journal, an article told the story of a software product called blackshades that experts call a "rat" (Remote Access Trojan) which was commercially sold to cyber ...
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WARNING Third Ransomware Strain Called CryptorBit Attacks

Welcome to the new world of malware.
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Wall Street Journal Quoted Me Regarding Ransomware Phishing Attacks

This week, Wall Street Journal MarketWatch reporter Priya Anand quoted me in an article she wrote about the new wave of ransomware phishing attacks.
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Backup Failures And Ransomware Phishing: Recipe For Disaster

With system administrators in the crossfire between cybergangs who are wielding sophisticated ransomware like CryptoLocker on one side and CryptoDefense on the other, it's likely many of ...
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The 7 Steps Of The Cyber Kill Chain

Cyber security professionals are slowly but surely grabbing more and more military jargon. No surprises there, with a possible cyberwar brewing. The "kill chain" is a traditional warfare ...
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ALERT - CryptoLocker Has A Competitor That Is Worse: CryptoDefense

As we said before, there is furious competition between cybergangs. Late February 2014 a copycat ransomware competitor to Cryptolocker was released which outdoes CryptoLocker. The malware ...
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CryptoLocker Has A Competitor That Is Worse: CryptoDefense

As we said before, there is furious competition between cybergangs. Late February 2014 a copycat ransomware competitor to Cryptolocker was released which outdoes CryptoLocker. The malware ...
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41 Percent Of Infected Pay The Cryptolocker Ransom

I have warned about the Cryptolocker ransomware before, but now we have some hard numbers about the percentage of people that are forced to pay up when a workstation or server has been ...
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Knowbe4 CyberheistNews Vol 4, 07 SNEAK PEEK At New Site: HACKBUSTERS

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 07
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 06 Cryptolocker Scrambles Files Of US Law Firm

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 06
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Cryptolocker Scrambles All Legal Files Of US Law Firm

WSOCTV in Charlotte, North Carolina's reports on a Goodson's, a small US law firm there which stepped forward and bravely admitted that their whole file server was scrambled by ...
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ransomware phishing warning issued by European Cybercrime Centre

Looks like the bad guys are also targeting Europe with ransomware phishing scams.
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 05

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 05
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Worst Phishing Scam Of The Week Yet: Cryptolocker

Why Security Awareness Training? Cryptolocker, That's Why... We here at KnowBe4 have been getting a lot of system admins calling us with the request for security awareness training ...
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Scam Of The Week: Ransomware Uses Child Porn Threat

Getting caught viewing child porn is a huge deal and instantly makes you an outcast in most western countries. Cybercriminals have cooked up a new way to blackmail people out of their ...
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A Closer Look: Email-Based Ransomware Attacks

With the increase of email phishing attacks being the primary attack vector, ransomware payments have risen to 60%, it's important to take a closer look at email-based ransomware attacks.
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