Security Awareness Training Blog

Ransomware Blog

Keeping you updated on the latest ransomware attack vectors, strains, decryptors, families and trends to help you avoid becoming infected.

Size Does Not Matter For Cybercrime

Most small- and medium business owners think that they are not a target for cybercrime. Well, if you think you are safe because you are just a little fish in a big pond, think again. ...
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New ransomware called "extortionware" in 2015? Not so much...

TK Keanini, CTO, Lancope wrote a 2015 Predictions editorial over at SC Magazine. He said he expects more malware like CryptoLocker and CryptoWall over the next 12 months, but also ...
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A new strain of "ransomware" is striking

Mitch Lipka of CBS Moneywatch wrote:
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New Ransomware called KEYHolder from CryptorBit Cybergang

Bleeping Computer had the scoop again: " A new ransomware has been released called KEYHolder that is from the same developers of CryptorBit . Like CryptorBit, this infection encrypts your ...
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Breaking News 2 New Ransomware Strains

#1 OphionLocker The first one is a new strain of ransomware named OphionLocker. It encrypts your data using strong open source Crypto++ Elliptical Curve Cryptography and then ransoms the ...
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Ransomware Beats APT In Terms Of Severe Impact

MalwareBytes Research showed that in the year 2014, 82% of companies were attacked online. Their research also showed that browser vulnerabilities will be the biggest challenge going ...
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Ransomware on National Public Radio: To Pay Or Not To Pay?

Aarti Shahani, the tech reporter of National Public Radio created a compelling story about the scourge of ransomware that is taking over America. The title of the story is:
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eWeek Alerts IT Pros About Self-Replicating Ransomware

Wayne Rash at eWeek picked up on the virRansom news and explained to his readers that this is a nasty new hybrid ransomware strain that needs to be protected against rather sooner than ...
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Heads Up! Nasty New Hybrid Strain: The AIDS of Ransomware

Here is a powerful piece of ammo to get (more) IT Security budget.
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New Flavor of Ransomware Is More User Friendly

It's been more than a year since the first vicious ransomware stuck up its ugly head.
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Small business thinks workers are weak cybersecurity link

The poll was conducted by Spiceworks Voice of IT on behalf of CloudEntr in September. The study collected 438 surveys from IT professionals at companies with 20 to 499 employees in ...
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Koler Android Ransomware Now Spreads in U.S. as Text Worm

Android phones have by far the largest market share, and thus are mobile malware target #1. There is now a new variant of the Koler malware that spreads itself via text messages and holds ...
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Ad-borne Cryptowall Ransomware Claims Fresh Victims

The phones have been ringing off the hook here at KnowBe4. Not customers of ours but people that were hit with CryptoWall V2.0, needed bitcoin urgently, did a websearch and wound up with ...
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Ransomware hits admin workstation and kills 7 servers

I wanted to share a horror story with you, something that happened to somebody the day before yesterday. This is what happened in their own words:
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Why All This Russian Cybercrime in Five Minutes

We all know that a large amount of cybercrime originates in Russia and other eastern European countries that were former USSR states. But why is that? I decided to dig into this and did ...
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CryptoWall 2.0 Ransomware Moves to TOR network

A new version of the world's most widespread ransomware CryptoWall has migrated to the TOR network. It has been upgraded to version 2.0, and continues to encrypt files so that ransom can ...
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Top 5 eLearning Statistics for 2014 [Infographic]

The rise in eLearning’s popularity isn’t showing any signs of slowing. In fact, judging by the following Top 10 eLearning statistics for 2014, the future of the eLearning Industry is ...
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New Android Ransomware Strain Locks The Device Twice

Researchers in Russia discovered a new Android ransomware strain which does not lock the device just once but twice. It spreads by using a social engineering trick, disguising itself as a ...
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Symantec: Crypto Ransomware Phishing Up 700 Percent in 2014

Very interesting data from Symantec. This is fresh from the press and shows Phishing, Spam and Malware trends. There is a PDF with a whole bunch more data, but these are the most relevant ...
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