Security Awareness Training Blog

Phishing Blog

Learn about current phishing techniques, notable campaigns and attacks, what to watch out for 'in the wild', and more.

Phishing Site Takes Brand Impersonation to a Whole New Level Pretending to be FINRA

Most scammers simply grab a company logo, or perhaps a logon page to make it appear like the website used as part of a scam is legitimate. But how about an entire website?
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RedCurl APT Uses Spear Phishing to Conduct Corporate Espionage

A previously unobserved APT group called “RedCurl” has been launching cyber espionage campaigns against organizations around the world since at least 2018, according to researchers at ...
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YIKES: Fancy Bear Linux Rootkit

Heads-Up! The CyberWire staff wrote: "The US National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation yesterday issued a joint alert concerning a new malware toolset operated by ...
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43,000+ NHS Staff Hit With Phishing Emails Since March

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request revealed that over 43,000 National Health Service (NHS) staff have had phishing emails slip through the cracks and into their inboxes in the past ...
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COVID-Themed Phishing Scams Are on Their Way Out While Some Scammers Use a Vaccine as a Last-Ditch Effort

The latest data on COVID-related phishing scams from security researchers at CheckPoint comes with some good news and insightful trends that may help keep you secure.
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FOLLOWUP: Small Business Administration Phishing Campaign

On Wednesday August 12 the Dept. of Homeland Security issued an alert concerning a phishing campaign using malicious spoofs of the Small Business Administration's (SBA) web site. The ...
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Phishing Golden Hour

In emergency healthcare settings, the “golden hour” is the time between when a patient suffering a life threatening event (e.g., heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, etc.) is most likely to ...
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My lazy Sunday afternoon was interrupted...

My lazy Sunday afternoon was interrupted with what appeared to be a prank, a social engineering attempt, or something else that remains to be identified.
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Paying the Ransom After a Ransomware Attack May Become More Complicated, Thanks to the U.S. Treasury

With many organizations considering to pay the ransom should they experience an attack, new guidance from the U.S. Treasury may put a damper on an organization’s ability to pay.
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[Heads Up] Apparently Slack Phishing Got So Bad They Had To Do Something About It

Slack has announced a slew of new security features, certificates and integrations, including a verification system that adds an additional layer to protect against phishing scams.
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Cybercriminals Target Execs in Microsoft 365 Credential Attack to Launch Internal BEC Scams

A new phishing attack spotted in the wild by security researchers at Trend Micro demonstrates how compromised data in an initial cyberattack is purposed in subsequent attacks.
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SBA Phishing: Malicious Actors "Return to Roots" in the Hunt for Money

By Eric Howes, KnowBe4 Principal Lab Researcher. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate news headlines as well as the development of malicious email attacks designed to separate ...
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The U.N. counterterrorism chief says a 350% increase in phishing websites was reported in Q1 2020

UNITED NATIONS -- A 350% increase in phishing websites was reported in the first quarter of the year, many targeting hospitals and health care systems and hindering their work responding ...
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Ransomware Payments Increase by a Massive 60% as Email Phishing Rises in Frequency as Primary Attack Vector

The newest ransomware data paints a pretty bleak picture for organizations with “big game” attacks and six- and seven-figure ransom demands becoming the norm.
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Leaked U.S.-UK Trade Documents Show How Devastating Compromised Email Can Be

An ongoing criminal investigation highlights how classified documents stolen by Russian hackers from former U.K. trade minister Liam Fox may have been used to impact the British 2019 ...
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Explosion of Zoom Meeting Phishing Attacks Over Spring and Summer of 2020 and Targeting Office365 and Outlook Credentials

Researchers at INKY have observed an “explosion” of Zoom-themed phishing attacks over the Spring and Summer of 2020. Most of the attacks are aimed at stealing credentials to services like ...
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Hacked High-Profile Twitter Accounts Are Used to Promote a Cryptocurrency Scam

Using the theme of partnering with a made up COVID-19 non-profit, the latest hack on twitter allowed some pretty prominent accounts to be used as pawns in a scam that netted $120K.
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New U.K. Phishing Scam uses a £400 Tax Cut as Bait

Pretending to be the U.K. Governments’ Digital Service Team, this latest COVID-related phishing attack seeks to con victims out of their credit card details.
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Netflix Phishing Attack Hides Behind a Functional CAPTCHA Page to Avoid Detection

In an interesting twist, cybercriminals utilize a well-known technology to keep security solutions from identifying a “failed payment” email as being fraudulent.
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Is it a Quiz Scam? Is it Bad? Is it Back With a Vengeance?

The answer to all three questions would seem to be, "yes." Quiz scams have become widespread over the past year, but they’ve gone largely unremarked, researchers at Akamai have found. ...
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