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Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

Three Quarters of All SMB Banking Cybercrime Happens Online

A recent study entitled "The 2011 Business Banking Trust Study" reports that three of every four small and midsized businesses that experienced banking fraud in the previous year incurred ...
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Millions of Consumer/Customer E-mail Addresses Stolen; Phishing Surely to Follow

Epsilon is one of the world's largest customer outreach e-mail companies, and generates legitimate traffic on behalf of a number of very large companies (see Table 1 below). Epsilon ...
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Cybercrime: Bank of America Joins Trusteer Ranks

Look what just showed up in my colleague's e-mail inbox this morning: I wrote in moderate detail about Trusteer in a blog post right here entitled " Cyberheist Snippet 4: More on Trusteer ...
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Cybercrime in Your Business

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Cybercrime: Ventura County, CA Credit Card Tax Payment System Hacked

Ventura County, California, is a small small county (population: 802,983 according to 2009 numbers from the US Census Bureau) north of the greater Los Angeles area. According to a March ...
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Successful certificate cybercrime obtains legit Web certificates

In a recent 3/23/2011 article entitled " Hack Obtains 9 Bogus Certificates for Prominent Websites; Traced to Iran," Wired Threat Level reports on a spectacular cyberheist of credentials ...
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Cybercrime: Fascinating 3-Part Series on Russian Cyber-Mafia in NetworkWorld

Talk about turning classwork into pure gold and professional kudos: Norwich University undergraduate student and ROTC cadet Bradley Guinen has teamed up with his instructor and ...
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Rustock Botnet Cybercrime Takedown, Thanks to MS-Led Multi-Party Effort

The infamous Rustock botnet, estimated by some parties to be responsible for between 30 and 50 percent of all the spam in the world—up to 30 BILLION items per day—has been taken down. ...
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M86 Security Documents Clever New HTML-based Phishing Scam

In the ongoing game of cops-and-robbers that network security so often involves, the cops have recently upped the ante on phishing detection in modern Web browsers. These days browsers ...
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Online Bank Cyberheists Reach Higher and "Restoration of Lost Funds"

The insurance industry trade Web site recently republished a fascinating story from Bloomberg dated June 18, 2010. It's entitled "Banking's big dilemma: How to stop ...
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Cybercrime: M86 Security Creates Security Suite for SMBs

Internet threat management company M86 Security recently announced a brand-new small business security suite that promises to help small businesses get a workable handle on their security ...
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Cybercrime: Beware of Fake IRS "Instant Return" or "Direct Deposit" Scams

This is a a good news/bad news blog. The good news is that because April 15 falls on a Friday this year, the filing deadline has been extended until April 18. The bad news is with tax ...
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DNS Cyberheist Hijack Prompts Credit Card Credential and Other Compromises

An interesting tidbit has emerged from the eCrime Trends Report for Q4-2010 from online security firm Internet Identity (aka IID). Over the Christmas holidays, an online payment ...
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Two New Cyberheist Spyware Programs Can Infect Android Phones

According to this story at CSOOnline. com (" More Mobile Spyware Hits Android"), security software firm NetQin Mobile, Inc. has captured a pair of new spyware programs from the wild that ...
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Cybercrime: IC3 2010 Annual Report on Internet Crime Hits the Web

[caption id="attachment_343" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The latest IC3 Internet Crime Report makes for interesting reading"] [/caption] Last week, the Internet Crime ...
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Cybercrime is here to stay...

In a recent story for PC World, veteran security writer (and former security guru) Tony Bradley's headline says it all " Cybercrime: A Recession-Proof Growth Industry." In that ...
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SmartPhones Increasingly Targeted for Cybercrime, Spam and Attack

In its most recent Threats Report for Q4 2010 (.PDF), network security company McAfee points out what they call "a steady growth of threats to mobile platforms," with smartphones ...
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Cyberheist: Another Bank Suit Seeks to Recover from Security Issues

[caption id="attachment_334" align="aligncenter" width="444" caption="Story Header from"] [/caption] As reported on, ...
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FFIEC Rewrites Its Rules For Banks to Enhance Security, Prevent Cyberheist

The latest edition of the "Your Money Is Not Safe In The Bank" newsletter (sign up on their home page) takes a look at the new authentication guidelines about to be issued from the ...
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Cyberheist Snippet 4: More on Trusteer Rapport

As we mentioned in Cyberheist Snippet 1, 2, and 3, we're working on a book here at, and it features Cyberheist as the first word in its title. Here's a fourth snippet from the ...
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