Phishing Attacks Keep Proliferating: How to Recognize Them

[caption id="attachment_949" align="alignleft" width="237" caption="Phishing Attacks"]Phishing Attacks[/caption]

There is an article in eWEEK that highlights the gravity and growth of cybercrime. It contains recent visual examples of some of the latest phishing ploys used by the bad guys to get users to click a bait link or give up personal information.

This is really the type of accurate news that IT professionals, business owners and CEOs should be taking heed of—it emphasizes the need for Internet Security Awareness Training on the part of all users but especially those going online from within a corporate or organizational setting. It’s bad enough when one person loses his savings or gets his identity stolen, but when you multiply that by 100’s or 1000’s because some gullible employee opened the company network to a cybercriminal, the situation now becomes disastrous.

Here’s an excerpt:

“In light of recent data breaches (Sony, Epsilon), compromised companies and security experts have warned users to be vigilant about phishing attacks as cyber-thieves try to trick users into giving up sensitive information, such as bank account numbers, log-in credentials and credit card numbers.

…cyber-criminals have come a long way since the days of poorly written and nearly incomprehensible messages that used to presage a phishing attack.”

Stu Sjouwerman


Jamie Sene

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