[caption id="attachment_912" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="cybercrime skyrockets"]
According to a recently released Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, phishing attacks on social networking platforms have sky-rocketed 1,200% (percent). Phishing on social networking sites accounted for 84.5% percent of all phishing attacks
Furthermore, the report determined that there is a polarization of cybercriminal behavior. The Microsoft report details the two types of cybercriminals as the first group going after business or organizational targets using sophisticated cybercrime tools and the second group using more accessible methods such as social engineering and other marketing-like or business-like email scams. The more skilled cybercriminals look for large payoffs while the less sophisticated attackers were interested in cyberheists of smaller amounts from a large number of naïve people or establishments.
The weak link leading to this explosion in phishing activity in the business world is the fact that there is a tremendous lack of awareness of cybercrime and social engineering techniques among the workforceparticularly social engineering taking place within the workplace itself. These are the unsuspecting employees or staff within organizations that have access to the Internet or even just emailemployees who are sitting in front of their PCs for an average of 6.5+ hours 5 days a week who can be bamboozled into clicking an innocent looking phishing link.
Your employees are the new gatekeepers to your network and the security of your internal documents, database and even your bank accounts. If they are not trained thoroughly to detect and avoid the continuous attempts to hack your network in this evolving landscape of cybercrime, it is only a matter of time before you experience a serious breach security.
KnowBe4 is countering this onslaught of cybercrime activity by raising awareness of how the Bad Guys operate and updating users as to the most current attacks in use. The first step in raising someones awareness to a problem is getting their attention; Knowbe4 does this by deploying a simulated phishing attack designed to locate the employees within your organization that are certain to breach security protocols when prompted by a cybercriminal. These are your Phish-prone culprits that internally put network security at risk. Test result reports track who breached security as well as general open and click rates. Youll learn the overall percentage of employees in your organization that are phish-prone and likely to open the door to a cyberheistthose are the ones who need ISAT now!
You can run this FREE test on any number of your employees by going to this link: FREE Phishing Security Test
I hope this helps!
Stu Sjouwerman
Jamie Sene

According to a recently released Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, phishing attacks on social networking platforms have sky-rocketed 1,200% (percent). Phishing on social networking sites accounted for 84.5% percent of all phishing attacks
Furthermore, the report determined that there is a polarization of cybercriminal behavior. The Microsoft report details the two types of cybercriminals as the first group going after business or organizational targets using sophisticated cybercrime tools and the second group using more accessible methods such as social engineering and other marketing-like or business-like email scams. The more skilled cybercriminals look for large payoffs while the less sophisticated attackers were interested in cyberheists of smaller amounts from a large number of naïve people or establishments.
The weak link leading to this explosion in phishing activity in the business world is the fact that there is a tremendous lack of awareness of cybercrime and social engineering techniques among the workforceparticularly social engineering taking place within the workplace itself. These are the unsuspecting employees or staff within organizations that have access to the Internet or even just emailemployees who are sitting in front of their PCs for an average of 6.5+ hours 5 days a week who can be bamboozled into clicking an innocent looking phishing link.
Your employees are the new gatekeepers to your network and the security of your internal documents, database and even your bank accounts. If they are not trained thoroughly to detect and avoid the continuous attempts to hack your network in this evolving landscape of cybercrime, it is only a matter of time before you experience a serious breach security.
KnowBe4 is countering this onslaught of cybercrime activity by raising awareness of how the Bad Guys operate and updating users as to the most current attacks in use. The first step in raising someones awareness to a problem is getting their attention; Knowbe4 does this by deploying a simulated phishing attack designed to locate the employees within your organization that are certain to breach security protocols when prompted by a cybercriminal. These are your Phish-prone culprits that internally put network security at risk. Test result reports track who breached security as well as general open and click rates. Youll learn the overall percentage of employees in your organization that are phish-prone and likely to open the door to a cyberheistthose are the ones who need ISAT now!
You can run this FREE test on any number of your employees by going to this link: FREE Phishing Security Test
I hope this helps!
Stu Sjouwerman
Jamie Sene