Scotland Yard launches New Cyber Squad Unit

[caption id="attachment_972" align="alignleft" width="191" caption="Scotland Yard Cybercrime Unit"]Scotland Yard Cybercrime Unit[/caption]

Janet Williams of Scotland Yard‘s  Cybercrime Unit, who takes the lead on cybercrime at the Association of Chief Police Officers, recently said “Some individuals seem to think that being technophobic is quaint and slightly comical…What worries me is that people still think of cybercrime and cyber-attacks as being a little bit like math. If you go to a dinner party, someone might say that they don't really get math and everyone laughs and titters. But not being able to understand cybercrime is the equivalent of not being able to read.”

Williams, one of the most senior officers at Scotland Yard, said “…business leaders should be ensuring that their firms are properly protected against the theft of valuable intellectual property.  CEO’s need to be personally reassured controls and protections are in place.”

For the full article click here:  Cybercrime complacency no laughing matter, police chief warns.

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Stu Sjouwerman


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