[caption id="attachment_1150" align="alignleft" width="192" caption="cybercriminals"]
Last month Russian cybercriminals tried their luck at making money for nothing using the BitCoins virtual money system. With the help of new malicious programs they launched a legitimate BitCoins file on the victim computer in an attempt to generate the cyber currency in their own accounts.
June also saw cybercrime experts using Amazons cloud to host and distribute malware that targeted Brazilian users and was designed to steal data from customers of nine Brazilian banks.
To improve its chances of success, the malware blocked the normal operation of AV programs and special plug-ins that are supposed to make online banking secure. The malware also stole digital certificates and Microsoft Live Messenger credentials.
And finally cybercriminals continued their online crime spree in June by distributing a new backdoor Backdoor.OSX.Olyx.a designed to provide attackers with remote control of victim machines. This enabled them to use infected computers to download more malware, launch programs and send commands to an interpreter for execution.
Cybercrime is not going away anytime soon. Its not only up to the IT staff to protect a companys online assets, it must be a concerted effort by employees to protect their network.
Proof up your employees against cybercrime with Internet security awareness training. Take a free Internet security phishing test!
Stu Sjouwerman

Last month Russian cybercriminals tried their luck at making money for nothing using the BitCoins virtual money system. With the help of new malicious programs they launched a legitimate BitCoins file on the victim computer in an attempt to generate the cyber currency in their own accounts.
June also saw cybercrime experts using Amazons cloud to host and distribute malware that targeted Brazilian users and was designed to steal data from customers of nine Brazilian banks.
To improve its chances of success, the malware blocked the normal operation of AV programs and special plug-ins that are supposed to make online banking secure. The malware also stole digital certificates and Microsoft Live Messenger credentials.
And finally cybercriminals continued their online crime spree in June by distributing a new backdoor Backdoor.OSX.Olyx.a designed to provide attackers with remote control of victim machines. This enabled them to use infected computers to download more malware, launch programs and send commands to an interpreter for execution.
Cybercrime is not going away anytime soon. Its not only up to the IT staff to protect a companys online assets, it must be a concerted effort by employees to protect their network.
Proof up your employees against cybercrime with Internet security awareness training. Take a free Internet security phishing test!
Stu Sjouwerman