Ohio’s Cybercrime Woes

A look at cyberheists and other cybercrimes in Ohio recently shows more than 25,000 private records from school districts, hospitals, retirement benefits firms and others have been hacked, stolen or inadvertently leaked so far this year, according to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.

The Ohio victims were among more than 22 million people who have had their records exposed this year through online security breaches, according to the organization.

It’s difficult to measure the full breadth of the problem because most states don’t have mandatory reporting requirements.

Ohio law enforcement officials and Internet security specialists say the successful cyberheists on ultra-secure websites will challenge internet security groups and law enforcement to step up their efforts.

Combating such cybercrime is a “constant challenge” because hacking tools, or software programs designed to penetrate secure networks, have become increasingly sophisticated and widely available, said Allan Buxton, a forensic computer specialist at the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation in the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

However, despite the improvements in online security provided by companies and law enforcement, end-user Internet security awareness continues to affect every aspect of an organization’s security profile, as it truly is where security starts! That is why it is so important that SMEs give their end-users Internet Security Awareness Training, and enforce compliance.

For more on this story go to: 25K private records hacked, leaked in Ohio this year

The most basic and essential step any organization can take to increase online security is implementing a program of Internet Security Awareness Training.  For more information on this type of training visit www.knowbe4.com and try our free online phishing security test to see how phish-prone your employees are—it’s a great way to assess  the security savvy of your employees.

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