Security Awareness Training Blog

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Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Aaaugh! 1 in 5 U.S. Windows PCs Lack Antivirus Defenses

Un-friggin-believable but true. Don't be one of them! Gregg Keizer at ComputerWorld was the first with this story. "Nearly a fifth of Windows PCs in the U.S. lack any active security ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 2, #24

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CyberheistNews Vol 2, #23

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CyberheistNews Vol 2, #22

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Norton Protects Against Flame?

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="Norton Protects Against Flame?"][/caption] The antivirus industry is making hay with the new Flame malware, but Symantec marketing is ...
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Chinese hacker brings grief to Calgary’s Catholic school system

Hackers will find any mail server that is not protected and/or configured correctly and use it to send out as much spam as possible. This gets the unsuspecting organization blacklisted ...
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New Cyberweapon 'Flame': CIA and Mossad Coproduction

'Flame', the most sophisticated piece of malware to date, was discovered by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Kaspersky Lab. This code is more complex and has more ...
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Banks warned of sophisticated new online scam

Antone Gonsalves at NetworkWorld got this story first. Here is how the scam works, so do not fall for it. You can recognize it by the grammar and spelling mistakes. "The cyber-criminals ...
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Ten years of Windows malware

Ed Bott wrote a truly excellent article over at ZDNet where he describes the history of Windows Malware, which shows on the very first slide that most malware is installed via social ...
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VIDEO The Top 5 Online Security Traps And How To Avoid Them

GFI is one of the few antivirus vendors that understands the importance of prevention and end-user training. They produced this useful video that in two minutes illustrates the top 5 ...
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Gmail Security Hole Allows Hackers To Automate Social Engineering Trick

Christopher Mims over at Technology Review was the first one to report on this. A large Gmail security hole could lead to mass harvesting of accounts, as hackers can automate this social ...
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Fake Facebook “Account Cancelation Requests” Lead to Malware

Softpedia reported: "A shady-looking email, apparently originating from Facebook, has been seen in inboxes, informing users that the social media network has received an account ...
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Hackers Target the Weakest Link: The End User

I was interviewed by Jeremy Quittner yesterday. Here is how he started his article in American Banker today: "It took Stu Sjouwerman, the founder and chief executive of security firm ...
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Guessable Passwords: The Unpatchable Exploit

Monday morning, I found a tweet by @INFOSECSchool with the above title. I admit, it's a catchy phrase and sure enough, IF you allow easy passwords, it's an invitation to get hacked. This ...
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Fake Amex ID Verification

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="Fake Amex ID Verification"][/caption] OK, here is another one to warn everyone about, especially the employees that have a ...
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Spot the security "no-no"

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="Spot the security "no-no""][/caption] Wow, talk about a TV interview that contains a massive vulnerability. We think this is a press ...
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Russia's most effective cybercriminals

Rod Rasmussen over at SecurityWeek has a really interesting article about a Russian cyber gang driving a massive wave of fraud: "Tucked away in a small town outside Moscow, Russia one of ...
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Spear-phishing attacks hit gas pipeline networks

A Homeland Security Department cyber response team focusing on industrial control systems has issued a warning to the natural gas pipeline industry of targeted cyberattacks that have ...
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Gartner considers security awareness training an essential tool for all companies

Linda Musthaler, at NetworkWorld just wrote an excellent article about training workers to be cyber safe. One paragraph was especially noteworthy: “In 2012 we’re already seeing a sharp ...
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I am a malware coder and botnet operator

This is a discussion on Reddit, where a (presumably Polish) malware coder and botnet operator very candidly answers questions from people. This is a fascinating but rather technical read, ...
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