The PR people at Avast decided to have some fun and created a series of fake Wi-Fi networks at various locations around the Republican National Congress in Cleveland. Avast’s team set up ...
A new malware strain dubbed "Delilah" is being sprung on unsuspecting victims visiting "popular adult and gaming sites." The goal of this malware, which is currently being classified as a ...
For just $39 you, too, can have your very own ransomware with a lifetime license. What does a year's subscription to one of the major antivirus cost? Last I checked, much more than $39. ...
In case you just came back from vacation, there literally is a new craze going on with an augmented-reality smartphone app called Pokémon Go. It's a geocaching game, meaning it's tied to ...
Locky is currently one of the top 3 ransomware threats, following closely behind CryptoWall. It's not surprising that this strain has undergone several updates since the beginning of the ...
Brian Honan wrote a GREAT post at HelpnetSecurity. This is a cross-post of his excellent article, nothing changed, all the internal links to helpnet security were left in place. "There is ...
There is a new strain of "ransomware" that does not bother with the whole encryption thing at all. These bad guys seem to think it's just an unnecessary distraction and too much work. ...
The number of data breaches keeps going up. Last week it was more than 1,000 Wendy's where credit card records got ripped off. Fraudsters quickly use the news release of a high-profile ...
Shocking video of people's private lives are streaming over the internet. Hackers are able to easily tap into personal security cameras and stream them on websites for the world to see, ...
The ransomware market is rapidly maturing, we start seeing upgraded strains and rebranded versions sold cheaply in the Dark Web. And mainstream media have finally glommed on after years ...
What is the true cost of a data breach? After analyzing a health plan breach, research firm Deloitte says the toll of a cyberheist is significantly underestimated. The firm in a report ...
KnowBe4 is expanding fast, we now have 120 employees and we just hired a new controller late May to help out our very busy CFO. Part of the KnowBe4 onboarding is getting through our ...
NOTE: This is for KnowBe4 Customers only. Top IT analyst firm Gartner has just created a new "Peer Insights" review site. As a customer, we are inviting you to create a review of KnowBe4 ...
(Tampa Bay, FL) July 1, 2016 --- KnowBe4 announced its explosive year over year growth of 454% for Q2 2016, with a record number of 655 new corporate accounts in June alone, rising to ...
Proofpoint researchers discovered a new strain of ransomware called "Bart" - no kidding. The Russian Cyber Mafia behind Dridex 220 and Locky are using the RockLoader malware to download ...
A recent study by Cloudlock, a cyber security company, revealed several popular apps that could allow hackers an easy gateway to access your personal information.