Security Awareness Training Blog

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KnowBe4’s Year-Over-Year Sales Skyrocket 50% Over Q2 2019 for Another Record-Breaking Quarter

I'm happy to announce that in the Second Quarter of 2019, our team reached an impressive 50% growth over Q2 2018 along with increasing customer accounts to well over 26,000.
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Discovered This Year: 5,334 Kits Offering Evasive Criminal Phishing-as-a-Service

Commodity phishing kits are making it easier for unskilled criminals to run sophisticated phishing campaigns for a low price, according to a report from cloud security provider Cyren.
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[Heads-up] IT Pros In The Trenches Of Iran And China's New Cyber War Against The U.S.

You did not sign up for this, but you are finding yourself in the trenches of a cyber war which is slowly but surely moving from a cold to a hot stage. The latest development is that the ...
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“Lack of Security Awareness” a Major Reason Why Financial Firms Are 300 Time More Likely to Fall Prey to Cyberattacks

The bad guys always go where the money is. And financial firms are grossly ill-prepared for cyberattacks and suffer higher costs in addressing successful attacks. Boston Consulting Group ...
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80% of all Brand Deception Phishing Scams Targeting Execs Pretend to be Microsoft

The prevalence of Office 365 and the Windows OS has caused cybercriminals to choose the software titan as their primary brand used in identity deception phishing scams.
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One more reason to keep your money stuffed under your mattress?

By Eric Howes, KnowBe4 Principal Lab Researcher. Every so often someone flags an email with our Phish Alert Button that isn't a phishing email but is still very interesting. In this case, ...
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"YouTube mystery ban on hacking videos has content creators puzzled"

That was the title of the always entertaining The Register's post about YouTube, under fire since inception for building a business on other people's copyrights and in recent years for ...
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KnowBe4 Translations Update

The first half of the year we added 1,206 pieces of translated content and we plan to release even more in the second half. Here is a summary:
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Over Half of Employees Don’t Adhere to Email Security Protocols

A new survey by Barracuda Networks shows that the vast majority (87%) of decision makers believe email threats will rise in the coming year. However, companies are ill-prepared to defend ...
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Updates to the KnowBe4 Privacy Policy

We have made a few updates to both our marketing and product based privacy policies. These changes are intended to clarify some statements and to be more transparent about how we process ...
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Globally, One-Third of Organizations Experience Ransomware Attacks Weekly

The latest data from Australian telecommunications provider Telstra shows ransomware is running rampant, with security breaches not far behind in frequency.
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ATM Card Number Scammer Sentenced to 32 Months in Prison

The story of one text-based scam shows how easy it is for literally anyone to become a cybercriminal. It also shows how the amateurs should leave it to the professionals.
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CEOs Overwhelmingly Prioritize Cybersecurity Over Physical Security

The C-Suite is beginning to wake up to the reality that cybercrime poses the highest risk to the organization, requiring the greatest focus to truly protect the organization.
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Cyber Crime Refines Their Social Engineering Tactics

Attackers are improving their strategies by accounting for new developments in technology, Help Net Security reports. Researchers at FireEye analyzed 1.3 billion phishing emails and ...
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Enter Facebook's Libra, with Scammers in its Train

Within twenty-four hours of Facebook’s announcement of its new Libra cryptocurrency and Calibra digital wallet, more than three-hundred sites were registered with domain names associated ...
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Dridex Credential Stealer Returns With New Antivirus Evasion - Including Application Whitelisting

SCMag reported that a new strain of the notorious Dridex malware has been spotted using polymorphism antivirus evasion techniques in phishing emails. The Dridex credential-stealer that ...
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Brand-New Tool: Social Media Phishing Test Checks for Users Vulnerable to Social Media Related Attacks

Phishing is still the #1 threat action used in social engineering attacks, and spear phishing, in particular, takes advantage of your users’ socially networked lives.
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Instagram Vanity Makes for Vulnerability

Scammers are targeting Instagram users with phony offers to verify their accounts in order to receive Instagram’s blue checkmark, Threatpost reports. Researchers at Sucuri came across a ...
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New Malware Pretends to Be You by Matching Your Keystroke Characteristics

Cybersecurity researchers have developed a new keystroke impersonation attack that avoids being detected by keystroke-based biometric security solutions.
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