Check out the new features and training content in the KnowBe4 platform for July!
New "Release Notes" Notification Banner
These release notes will inform you of any major updates, new features, or changes that have happened since your last login. Dismiss the messages by clicking the "X" icon in the top-right corner of the message.

New Policy Feature Added
The Policy feature gives you as an Admin the ability to store, distribute, and track various policy acknowledgements and agreements required of your employees as part of your security awareness training and compliance program. Read more about this cool new feature:
Phishing Test Attachments Upgraded
Upgrades were made to the design of attachments used in phishing campaigns. All attachments now include a link within it, so users can have a "click" failure in addition to an "attachment opened" failure and will be taken to a landing page upon clicking the link.
As a reminder, you can also see a list of all monthly updates by visiting the KnowBe4 Support Knowledgebase Change Log here:
Two new training modules were added:
- Safe Travel for Road Warriors
- Privileged User Security Series: Privileged Admin
Read more on the Safe Travel training module here:
30 KnowBe4 posters were added in a variety of formats and available across all Training Levels - I, II, and III.

The Security Awareness Company (SAC)
A new SAC video called Workplace Physical Awareness and the July SAC Newsletter was released along with new training modules and Security One Sheets.
5 New SAC Training Modules
6 New Security One Sheets
Popcorn Training
Popcorn Training added four new micro-modules and a majority of the Cyber Heroes Series are now available in Portuguese.
- Cyber Heroes Series
- Breaking the Barrier
- Passwords
- CEO Scams
- Security Moments Series
- An Introduction to Information Security
exploqiiAll 44 exploqii video modules now have a closed-captioning option available and are still available to download as an MP4 video. These are all now available in English and German, with 29 of the modules also available in Chinese - Traditional Mandarin, French - France, and Spanish - EU.
Nine new training modules added that cover workplace harassment, HIPAA, and Employment Law.
To see the full list of new content added this month, sign up for the Modstore Training Preview here:
Lastly, check out this PDF that shows you all the training content by subscription level, nicely summarized on one page, so you can determine which level works best for you.
See all the latest features with a live product demo now!
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PS: At this point, when you have the Diamond level, you can think of KnowBe4 as the "Netflix" of awareness training. :-D