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Social Engineering Blog

Latest social engineering news, analysis, tactics the bad guys are using and what you can do to defend your organization.

Microsoft Recommends: "Top 6 Email Security Best Practices"... And One Of Them Is Phishing Simulations

Girish Chander, Microsoft's Group Program Manager of Office 365 Security wrote an excellent post on their blog titled "Top 6 email security best practices to protect against phishing ...
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CRN: "Kevin Mandia -- Detect Spear Phishing, Lock Down CEO Email To Stay Safe"

Michael Novinson at CRN had a great article that really explains the issues we are dealing with. He started out with: "Spear phishing remains the most common way for adversaries to ...
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Simjacking is Still a Problem, British Food Writer Lost £5,000

British food writer Jack Monroe lost £5,000 due to a simjacking attack, the BBC reports. In a series of tweets, Monroe said someone had taken over her phone number and used the access to ...
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Extremely Embarrassing 250,000-record Data Breach At

The data of 250,000 users of, a forum where experiences with prostitutes and escorts are exchanged, have been stolen and offered for sale on the internet. It concerns e-mail ...
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Why Hack When You Can Con?

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U.S. Organizations Involved with Nuclear Deterrence are the Target of North Korean Phishing Attacks

Using some very sophisticated methods, the Kimsuky group is believed to be behind a spear phishing campaign aimed at stealing U.S. secrets.
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[PODCAST] Understanding Social Engineering and Maintaining Healthy Paranoia

Recorded Future's Guest today was Rosa Smothers, senior vice president of cyber operations at KnowBe4, where she leads KnowBe4’s federal practice efforts, including providing ...
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Many in Utilities Sector Expect Attacks on Critical Infrastructure: Survey

Ed Kovacs at SecurityWeek reported on something that is one of the few things that keep me "awake at night":
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"Staggering" Increase in Business Email Compromise--aka CEO Fraud

Mimecast’s quarterly Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA) identified millions of dangerous emails making it through security filters, including a 269% increase in business email ...
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Cybercriminals Leverage the U.K.’s Strong Customer Authentication Requirement in a New String of Phishing Attacks

Attackers are taking advantage of the requirement to secure online shopping and banking transactions processed within the U.K. to gather personal details of consumers and users alike.
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Chinese State-Sponsored Phishing

A sophisticated threat group is going after a variety of industries using spearphishing and an arsenal of malware, according to Nalani Fraser and Fred Plan from FireEye. Fraser and Plan ...
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Is Cyberinsurance a Reason for the Rise in Ransomware Attacks?

Are cybercriminals counting on the victim’s simple cost-to-benefit decision to have their cyber-insurer pay the ransom? And, if so, are they targeting companies with cyberinsurance?
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Fall LinkedIn Job Postings Are a Prime Vehicle for Job Scams, Cyber Attacks

LinkedIn says the Fall hiring season is very hot right now. With more than 20 million jobs posted, LinkedIn is the perfect way for scammers to trick users into becoming victims.
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[Heads up] FBI Warns About Attacks That Bypass Your Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Last month, the FBI sent a special alert called a Private Industry Notification (PIN) to industry partners about the rising threat of attacks that bypass their multi-factor authentication ...
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New Instagram Phishing Scam Uses Familiar (But Fake) 2FA Codes to Trick Victims

Scammers use familiar verification methods to establish credibility and lull the victim into a false sense of security to compromise Instagram accounts.
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Cybersecurity Awareness Is Not Just For October!

By Joanna Huisman, KnowBe4's new SVP Strategic Insights & Research. I have a big birthday coming up, and as you can probably guess, I’m less than thrilled about it. I tell myself it’s ...
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[VIDEO] CEO Stu Sjouwerman Interviewed by Dark Reading

This year at Black Hat 2019, our CEO Stu was interviewed by Dark Reading on regularly training users. Take a look at what we have in store in this video:
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North Koreans Spear Phish U.S. Victims With Social Engineering Hidden In Obscure Kodak FlashPix Format

A suspected North Korean threat actor has been sending spear phishing emails targeting US organizations, according to Prevailion researchers Danny Adamitis and Elizabeth Wharton. Adamitis ...
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"Mishperceptions": The Five Most Common Phishing Myths Busted!

By Joanna Huisman, KnowBe4's new SVP Strategic Insights & Research. The bad guys know that the easiest way into your organization is through your employees. This is not an opinion. Of ...
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Social Engineering via the US Mail

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