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Social Engineering Blog

Latest social engineering news, analysis, tactics the bad guys are using and what you can do to defend your organization.

[FREE RESOURCE KIT] New Phishing Security Resource Kit Now Available!

Phishing emails increase in volume every month and every year, so we created this free resource kit to help you defend against attacks. Request your kit now to learn phishing mitigation ...
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University of Sydney Gives Students and Staff Advice on Avoiding Social Engineering Scams

The University of Sydney has issued advice to help students and staff avoid falling for social engineering attacks.
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Threat Actors are Using FINRA Impersonation For Their Attacks

DomainTools warns that a sophisticated West Africa-based fraud group is impersonating the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to target users in the United States, according ...
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Microsoft Warns of Business Email Compromise Attacks Taking Hours

According to Microsoft's Security Intelligence team, a recent business email compromise attack (BEC) has shown that threat actors are quickening the pace of these attacks, with certain ...
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[Heads Up] The SVB Bankruptcy Is A Social Engineering Bonanza

Saturday March 11, 2023 -- Over the last 24 hours, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has established the FDIC Bank of Santa Clara and insured depositors will have access to funds ...
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One-Quarter of Users Fall for Online Scams Despite an Overconfidence in an Ability to Spot Them

A new survey of individuals across seven countries shows that users may have had luck on their side, as a majority aren’t sure about their device security or how to spot malicious sites ...
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Customer Care Numbers as Phishbait

Researchers at CloudSEK have published a report looking at fraudulent customer service phone numbers in India. The researchers found around 20,000 of these phone numbers targeting users ...
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[Eye Opener] Businessweek: The Satellite Hack Everyone Is Finally Talking About

This morning, Bloomberg News pointed at a brand new article at BusinessWeek, one of their media properties. This is an excellent article that exposes the vulnerabilities when ...
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Business Email Compromise Gang Gets Jail Time for Stealing Millions

An international cybercriminal operation responsible for millions of dollars in business email compromise (BEC) scams has finally been dismantled.
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Blind Eagle Goes Phishing

BlackBerry has published a report on a threat actor, Blind Eagle, also known as APT-C-36, which has been operating against targets in Ecuador and Colombia since at least 2019. Its most ...
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GLBA and Other Regulations Wake Up to the Importance of Security Awareness Training With  June 9, 2023 Deadline

Most computer security practitioners have understood for many years the importance of having an aggressive security awareness training program. As social engineering is involved in 70% to ...
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W-2s Are Just the Beginning of Tax-Related Scams This Year

Email scammers can’t pass up a tried and true theme that is almost guaranteed to produce results. And with W-2 forms being sent out, it marks the start of this year’s expected campaigns.
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Coinbase Attack Used Social Engineering

Coinbase describes a targeted social engineering attack that led to the theft of some employee data. The attacker first sent smishing messages to several Coinbase employees, urging them ...
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Do Not Let Ransomware Steal the Show – Business Email Compromise Is the Biggest Threat You Must Prepare For!

When it comes to cybersecurity, ransomware is the rockstar of threats. But taking a peek behind the curtain, business email compromise (BEC) causes huge financial losses.
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A Special Case of Business Email Compromise

Cloudflare warns that business email compromise (BEC) phishing has assumed a new form: vendor email compromise (VEC). The classic BEC case involves the impersonation of someone within an ...
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Corporate Transitions Represent Times of Heightened Danger

When should organizations be on guard against social engineering? Always, of course, but there are certain times when they should be especially alert. A study of cyberattacks has found ...
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[HEADS UP] Russian Hacker Group Launches New Spear Phishing Campaign with Targets in US and Europe

The Russian-based hacking group Seaborgium is at it again with increased spear phishing attacks targeting US and European countries in the last year.
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Do Not Fall Victim to Cyber Attacks – Find Out What the Latest Hiscox Report Reveals!

Insurance provider Hiscox has published its fifth annual cyber readiness report, which has some eye-opening statistics.
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Thinking Critically About Your Online Behavior

Employees need to adjust their mindsets in order to defend themselves against social engineering attacks, according to Jonathon Watson at Clio. In an article for Dark Reading, Watson ...
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A Close Call – PayPal Scam Warning

On Sunday, I received an urgent message from a friend. PayPal had sent him an email saying that a co-worker had sent him money. This was not unexpected, as he was collecting contributions ...
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