Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

The Total Risk Value of Cybercrime Has Risen to $5.2 Trillion Over the Next Five Years

According to new data from Accenture, the average company sees 145 security breaches annually, with the cost of experiencing any kind of cyberattack rising.
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90 Percent Of Critical Infrastructure Hit By Cyberattacks

A new survey of professionals in industries using industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) finds 90 percent of respondents say their environment has been damaged ...
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New 2019 Report: "AI Is Here To Stay: Are You Prepared?"

I contributed to a new Foley & Lardner report, “Artificial Intelligence is Here to Stay: Are You Prepared?” which outlines the use, opportunities and legal risks of AI. I strongly ...
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NCAA-themed Scams During Basketball Playoffs

Scammers are capitalizing on the hype for March Madness with a bevy of malicious streaming sites and phishing scams, according to Lindsey O’Donnell at Threatpost. Researchers at Zscaler ...
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Game of Thrones as Phishbait, with Hook

Game of Thrones is the top TV show used to deliver malware-infected pirated content, researchers at Kaspersky Lab have found. Threatpost says the researchers saw nearly 21,000 users ...
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Inside A Massive Spam Operation, And Shutting It Down

We’ve blogged before about spammers using publicly accessible databases to help them with large-scale spam campaigns. Here’s what one such recent campaign looks like from the insider. ...
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Business Email Compromise (BEC) Attacks Go Mobile Using SMS to Increase Attack Success

Compromise-by-Text turns out to be an even better medium for cybercriminals to fool users into becoming victims. A new article from security vendor Asigra demonstrates how and why.
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AV-Test compares 19 Antivirus Tools: Windows Defender Reaches Maximum Detection Score

The German AV-Test lab compared 19 antivirus products, including the free Windows Defender which comes with the Win10 OS. Defender reached the max detection score, which was better than a ...
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[New Comedy Series] KnowBe4's Popcorn Training Releases 8-Episode Security Awareness Videos - 'Standups 4 Security'

We’re excited to announce the release of this new security awareness video series for our customers called ‘Standups 4 Security’ from our team at Popcorn Training. In this new 8-episode ...
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Insurers Creating a Consumer Ratings Service for Cybersecurity Industry

The WSJ reported on news that a Collaborative effort led by Marsh & McLennan would score the best cyber security products for reducing hacking risk, and provide potential discounts on ...
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Phishing Attack Compromises Spanish Defense Intranet By Foreign State

Reuters reported that a "computer virus" infected the Spanish Defense Ministry’s intranet this month with the aim of stealing high tech military secrets, El País newspaper said on ...
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Canadian Companies See Increases in Attacks, Breaches, and Sophistication in the Last 12 Months

If you read the latest Canadian Threat Report from Carbon Black, the Canadians have it bad… really bad. With increases across the board, Canadian organizations are needing to step up ...
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[NEW FEATURE] Upload Your Own Training Content

You asked, we listened! To simplify how you roll out and manage different training programs for your users, you can now use the KnowBe4 security awareness training platform for your ...
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U.S. Healthcare Employee Engagement with Simulated Phishing Emails Drop by 67% With Repeated Exposure

A long-term phishing study involving 6 healthcare institutions shows employees are vulnerable to phishing attacks, and that they can become more vigilant through exposure.
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Mandatory vs. Elective Security Awareness Training

I frequently get variations of the following question: "I met with the CISO yesterday to discuss Awareness Training. He asked if KnowBe4's CEO would comment on the value of mandatory ...
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[Heads-up] This Evil New Child Porn Phishing Attack Could Absolutely Ruin Your Life

Oh my. Bad guys have come up with a sinister new strain of blackmail/sextortion. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, the bad guys sink lower. Eric Howes, KnowBe4's Principal ...
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[NEW BOOK!] Transformational Security Awareness: What Neuroscientists, Storytellers, and Marketers Can Teach Us About Driving Secure Behaviors

Knowbe4's very own Chief Evangelist Strategy Officer Perry Carpenter has written a brand new book! I recommend you pre-order at Amazon, here is the blurb from the new page promoting the ...
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WOW, Phishing Attacks Are Now More Common Than Malware!

Microsoft’s security team is uniquely positioned to analyze trends in cyber security threats. Their frequent Security Intelligence Reports (SIR) are an excellent indicator of these ...
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Beazley Data Reveals A 133% Increase In Business Email Compromise Incidents From 2017 To 2018

Business email compromises (BEC) accounted for 24% of the overall number of incidents reported to Beazley Breach Response (BBR) Services in 2018, compared to 13% in 2017, according to a ...
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Bots Impersonate Organizations to Spread Disinformation

Four congressmen have written to the FBI to request an investigation into social media accounts that are impersonating veterans’ organizations in order to spread fake news, according to ...
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