Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

75% of European Enterprises Cite a Lack of Awareness Training a Challenge to Establish a Proper Cybersecurity Stance

The latest data from VMware and Forbes Insights shows organizations across EMEA are deficient in a number of fundamental cybersecurity needs.
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[Heads-up] Sextortion Crime Gang Now Uses New Tactics To Bypass Your Spam Filters

In a business environment, employees use Google Translate on a regular basis to get access to documents they need to work with, or websites that are in another language.
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Online Credential Scam Becomes a Phone Port Attack and then Turns into a Sextortion Scam

If experiencing a single cyberattack isn’t enough, this complex attack that shifted mid-stream demonstrates how attackers take advantage of victim details as an attack unfolds.
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Phishing Remains the Most Widespread Risk

As organizations look to improving their defenses, it’s worth remembering that attackers usually get through those defenses by manipulating the human beings those security measures are in ...
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The Good, the Better, and the Best in Information Security

Every day, there is news about the latest data breaches, phishing attacks, the number of records that were exposed, how organizations are not doing enough to protect themselves. All of ...
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[LEGAL ALERT] What You May Have Overlooked in the Run Up to CCPA Compliance

LAW.COM had a very good reminder that you really need to keep in mind. Here is an extract: "With just days to go before the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) compliance date, some ...
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PayPal Scammers Want More than Just Your PayPal Credentials

Researchers at ESET have come across phishing sites that try to steal PayPal logins along with a wide range of personal and financial information. The scam begins with phishing emails ...
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Veterans are High-Payoff Social Engineering Targets for Scammers

Veterans are particularly valuable targets for various types of social engineering attacks, according to Mary K. Talbot at the Providence Journal. Veterans are often respected leaders in ...
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FBI Issues Alert For "Sleeper" LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware

The FBI has issued a warning to private industry recipients to provide information and guidance on the LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware.
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How Phishing is Evolving

Attackers are always using new tactics to stay ahead of defenders, and Microsoft’s Office 365 Threat Research Team describes three noteworthy phishing techniques they’ve observed in 2019. ...
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Whaling: Like Phishing, but After Bigger Game

Organizations have to acknowledge their responsibility for ensuring their employees are able to recognize targeted phishing attacks, according to James McGachie, Legal Director of DLA ...
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Top 9 IT Security Trends You Need to Watch Out For in 2020

Cyber security and security awareness training landscapes are constantly changing. IT Professionals, like you, always need to know what is coming next in order to build (and maintain) ...
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Royal Mail Scam: Sorry, You Haven't in Fact Won that iPhone 11 Pro

An SMS phishing scam is targeting people in the UK with fake notifications that appear to come from the Royal Mail postal service, The Sun reports. The messages are personalized, and they ...
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Dancing with Hackers

Dancing with the Stars pro Witney Carson announced on Twitter that her Facebook account had been hacked. Unknown miscreants gained control of Carson’s Facebook through a unique phishing ...
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Financial Advisor Fined After Falling for BEC Scam

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) fined and temporarily suspended a financial advisor working for UBS after he was tricked into transferring $511,870 from a client’s ...
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Mysterious Global Phishing Campaign Uncovered

A mysterious phishing campaign was spotted by threat researchers from Anomali. The global credential gathering phishing campaign was directed primarily at government procurement ...
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67% of UK Employees Flout Internal IT Security Rules

Businesses are leaving themselves unnecessarily exposed to significant security risks, it’s claimed by a cloud and IT business continuity services company, According to Databarracks’ data ...
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New Ransomware Attack Reboots Systems into Safe Mode to Bypass Antivirus!

The latest strain of Snatch ransomware performs a devious task to ensure tools designed to protect against ransomware are nowhere to be found during encryption.
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5 Things You May Not Know About Security Awareness Training

By Perry Carpenter, KnowBe4 Chief Evangelist and Strategy Officer. Let me open by making an observation: the discipline of security awareness training is chock-full of assumptions and ...
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KnowBe4 Content Updates and New Resources - November 2019

We've got a few important updates to share with you for the month of November!
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