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8 Dirty Secrets Of The IT Security Industry

Bill Brenner at CSO Magazine is quoting IBM ISS Security Strategist Joshua Corman who has been on a crusade with his 8 Dirty Secrets campaign. Here they are and I'm quoting Dirty Secret ...
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Six Steps To Successful Security Awareness Training

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You Got Hacked! What Now?

Neil Rubenking, who has been writing about antivirus for 30 years now, came up with an excellent article about what to do when your personal email or social media account. This is a ...
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BYOD: 'the inmates of the asylum have control'

IT pros surveyed by Network World and SolarWinds shared a range of tactics for handling the mobile device management challenge. Mobile devices are multiplying and -- sanctioned or ...
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Antivirus is 30 years old

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="260" caption="Vaccine"][/caption] Simon Edwards created a great blog post about this April 12, 2012. He started out with: " Once upon a time, ...
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Blast from the Antivirus Past

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="MS DOS 6.0"][/caption] Remember MS-DOS Version 6? It was released March 1993. The new 6.0 had a lot of new stuff including a basic ...
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Video: How a crimepack works

Cybercriminals are as organized and industrious as any legitimate business. Case in point: exploit kits, also known as crimepacks, which bad guys can purchase and which make infecting ...
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SMS-controlled Malware Hijacks Android Phones

Researchers at NQ Mobile, working alongside researchers at North Carolina State University, have discovered new Android malware that is controlled via SMS that can do a number of things ...
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99 Percent Of Malicious Action Starts On Workstations

Roger Grimes made this remark on InfoWorld when he commented on the 2012 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report that was released last week. What he said was: "You should enable event ...
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AV Vendor claims 600,000 Infected Macs in Botnet

The CSO website reported: "A Mac trojan horse spotted by security analysts since last year has infected more than 600,000 Apple computers, says Dr. Web, a Russian antivirus vendor. Apple ...
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Remove Hidden Data And Personal Information By Inspecting Documents

This is a good hint for your users from the Microsoft website: "If you plan to share an electronic copy of a Microsoft Word document with clients or colleagues, it is a good idea to ...
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Global Payment Hack: Almost 340 Million Drop in Value

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="290" caption="Global Payment Hacked"][/caption] This is what they said in their press release: “Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN), a leader in ...
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Unique Malware Samples 2006-2011

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="361" caption="Malware Unique Samples"][/caption] Malware is still exploding. Check out this graph. During the last few years, the security industry ...
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Netherlands Gets European Centre for Cybercrime

Holland's capital The Hague will get a new international showpiece. The new European Centre for Cybercrime will start there early 2013. European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia ...
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Look Ma, malware without files!

Wow, instead of an exploit dropping a file onto the file system and running it... a DLL is injected straight into memory from the exploit, leaving nothing to scan on the harddrive. Writen ...
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For cloud services, security first - growth second

Richard Stiennon at Forbes has a very good point. "My oft repeated advice for technology vendors is that security sells. Given a choice between two vendors of similar products or services ...
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