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FBI Obtains Authorization to Access US Servers to Remove Webshells Due to Exchange Vulnerability

Your server could have been compromised and the FBI was trying to mitigate the issue without you even knowing it yet.
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Australian Organizations Increase Cyber Security Spend to Nearly A$5B in 2021

The rise in cyberattacks in Australia is seeing its natural result – organisations realizing the need to put more budget focused on cybersecurity, with the largest portion going towards ...
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The Digital Workplace is a Cybersecurity Disaster!

New data reviewing how the 2020 shift to a remote workforce impacted organizational security shows all too well that since the pandemic onset, cybersecurity has become critically worse.
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Ubiquiti Cyber Attack Details Depict a Far More Disastrous Scenario Than Let On

New whistleblower details surrounding the December 2020 attack on the cloud-enabled IoT device manufacturer paints a far worse picture than what was disclosed.
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[UPDATE] What is SOAR? What Are The Pros And Potential Pitfalls?

Jessica Groopman at TechTarget's SearchSecurity forum has a great short post about SOAR, what it stands for and what the potential benefits and pitfalls are. Here is an extract with a ...
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KPMG: Cyber Security Risk Is Now No. 1 Threat To Growth

KPMG in the UK just released their CEO 2021 Outlook Pulse Survey where global leaders were asked about their 3-year outlook. CEOs of the world’s most influential companies are planning ...
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Insurers are Warned of Cyber Risk Growth and are Provided a New Cyber Insurance Risk Framework from the New York Department of Financial Services

As cyberattacks continue to increase, cyber insurers are always looking for ways to manage the cyber risk they take on. The NY DFS offers some best practices from top insurance companies.
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[Security Alert Webinar] The Microsoft Exchange Mass Hack Is a Huge Security Risk For All Organizations and What You Can Do About It

On March 2, Microsoft released emergency security updates to plug multiple zero-day security holes in Exchange Server versions 2010 through 2019 that hackers were actively using to siphon ...
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The Dilemma: Best-of-Breed Stand-Alone or a Bundled Suite of tools?

Over the last few decades, survey after survey has shown that if IT Administrators had their way, the vast majority of them prefer a hand-picked set of best-of-breed point solutions over ...
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How the United States Lost to Hackers, And Why The New President Wants To Fix It With 10 Billion Dollars

Nicole Perlroth, the New York Times cybersecurity reporter, just came out with a very interesting perspective on our troubles with foreign adversaries, in part created by our own ...
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World Economic Forum: COVID Makes Cybersecurity Problem No. 1

The WEF just published their recent survey over worldwide corporate leaders. When asked about technology objectives that have become a greater priority due to COVID, they elevated ...
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68% of Organizations Experiencing One Cyberattack Experience a Second Within 12 Months!

New data from cybersecurity vendor CrowdStrike shows just having security technologies in place won’t prevent one… let alone two… cyberattacks.
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It’s Time for Organizations to Begin Propping Up the Human Firewall

Modern thinking about a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy includes a holistic approach that equally involves your users as a “human element” within your cyber defenses.
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[Heads Up] Was SolarWinds Really A Daisy Supply Chain Attack?

The NYT just reported the next revelation regarding the SolarWinds hack. The Russian FSB may have piggybacked on a tool developed by JetBrains, which is based in the Czech Republic.
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Securing Remote Employees is the Top 2021 Cybersecurity Challenge for Organizations

Security vendor CheckPoint provides insight into what are the organizational cybersecurity priorities for next two years, as well as where cybersecurity is going to be challenging.
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Exploits Leveraging Excel 4.0 Macros Increase as Organizations Continue to Rely on this Legacy Technology

Despite being nearly 30 years old, Excel’s very functional macro technology appears to be a little too functional, as attackers have stepped up its use to advance cyberattacks.
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"Berserk Bear", The Russian Hackers Playing ‘Chekhov’s Gun’ With US Infrastructure

In an advisory warning published last week by the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the government notified the public of a ...
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Could A Botched Ransomware Attack Have Caused The Massive Mauritius Oil Spill?

I found a super interesting and at the same time scary article at Forbes by Nishan Degnarain about the cyber vulnerabilities of these massive oil tankers and container ships. It's ...
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[INFOGRAPHIC] 20 Ways to Build Your Security Fortress From Anywhere

Whether you and your users are working remotely or in the office, it’s essential to be aware of cybersecurity threats. Here at KnowBe4, we’re committed to help your users make smarter ...
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[HEADS UP] Cybercriminal Sells Info on 186 Million U.S. Voters

In a recent report by NBC News, cybersecurity company TrustWave found a bad guy selling voter registration data on 186 million Americans.
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