Security Awareness Training Blog

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #13

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #12

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #11

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #10

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #9

CyberheistPoll Survey Results:
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CyberheistNews vol 2, #8

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #7

CyberheistNews Vol 2, #7 Editor's Corner [caption id="attachment_1367" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Stu"][/caption] Facebook Malware Scam Of The Week A "worrying number" of ...
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For cloud services, security first - growth second

Richard Stiennon at Forbes has a very good point. "My oft repeated advice for technology vendors is that security sells. Given a choice between two vendors of similar products or services ...
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The Cridex malware trojan hides in fake LinkedIn invitations.

The Cridex malware trojan hides in fake LinkedIn invitations. Take care with those invites! GFI Labs recently discovered a LinkedIn email phishing scam that installs a banking trojan. It ...
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Major malware gang taken down today in Russia

Members of the largest criminal group engaged in online banking fraud are detained March 20, 2012 MOSCOW — Group-IB, the first Russian company providing comprehensive investigation of IT ...
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CyberheistNews vol 2, #6

CyberheistNews Vol 2, #6 Editor's Corner [caption id="attachment_1367" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Stu"][/caption] Facebook Malware Scam Of The Week A "worrying number" of ...
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CyberheistNews vol 2, #5

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #4

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Its Tax Scam Season

Warn everyone that 'Tax Scam Season' is upon us, and that no one should respond to anything tax-related via email. The IRS does not use email or social media, don't fall for refund offers ...
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CyberheistNews vol 2, #3

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CyberheistNews vol 2, #2

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CyberheistNews Vol 2, #1

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The Top 5 Executive Spear-phishing Scams

We recommend you copy and paste this section, and send it to your executive team, with a warning that they might be targeted with spear-phishing attacks. They need to 'Stop, Look, Think' ...
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Fake AV Attack Targets Wordpress Users

Websense detected a new wave of mass-injections of a well-known rogue AV campaign. It targets websites that use the open source WordPress website content management system. Websense ...
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Cost of penetration testing < cost of security incident :)

The Cost of a Security Incident Is Usually Much Greater Than Preventing It This is a blog post by John Pescatore, July 24, 2009, and still as valid today as it was then. "A few years ago ...
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