The latest data from Australian telecommunications provider Telstra shows ransomware is running rampant, with security breaches not far behind in frequency.
We’re seeing plenty of news stories domestically of ransomware attacks taking down municipalities and bringing businesses to their knees. Telstra’s Security Report 2019 paints a similar picture globally. The report, which sought out responses from IT organizations from countries in Europe and Asia Pacific, shows ransomware is as prevalent worldwide as we’re experiencing it here in the States.
According to the report:
- 63% of businesses globally were disrupted by security breaches in the last year
- Of those, a little more than half (53%) experienced incidents quarterly or more frequently
- 32% of Australian organizations experienced business interruption ‘on a weekly or monthly basis’ from ransomware attacks
Ransomware was a particularly huge issues in Asia Pacific countries:
- 81% of Australian organizations experienced a ransomware attack, as well as
- 83% of Singaporean organizations, and
- 93% of New Zealand organizations
One of the strategies used to thwart is to educate users about how phishing and social engineering attacks occur, the tactics used, and what they should do to avoid becoming a victim. According to the Telstra report, only 31% of organizations have an implemented “continuous internal awareness program”. This is concerning, as Security Awareness Training provides organizations with the tools and training necessary to empower users with knowledge to identify and avoid attacks. Organizations need to put some kind of training in place to include the user as another layer in the overall security strategy.
Judging by the numbers in the Telstra report, ransomware is getting past security solutions. It’s time to make users a part of securing the organization.
Get Your Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual
Ransomware is estimated to have a global damage costing organizations $11.5 billion in 2019. This 20-page manual is packed with the actionable information you need to prevent infections, and find what to do when you are hit with malware like this.
You will learn more about:
- What is Ransomware?
- Am I Infected?
- I’m Infected, Now What?
- Protecting Yourself in the Future
- Attack Response and Prevention Checklists
Don’t be taken hostage by ransomware. Download your rescue manual now!
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