Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

As Predicted, Hurricane Florence Phishing Scams are Circulating

We’ve noted in other posts that events like natural disasters are inevitably used as phishbait by scammers. The Atlantic hurricane season, which breeds storms like the recent and very ...
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Adwind Trojan Uses Phishing To Circumvent Antivirus And Infect Workstations

Charlie Osborne reported at ZDNet that Adwind, a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) previously connected to attacks against industries worldwide, is back with a new toolkit designed to trick ...
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I Got Vished (and So Can Your Users)

Written by Guest Blogger Nick Cavalancia, Microsoft MVP Hear one cybersecurity expert’s experience of missing the signs and getting duped over the phone. If it can happen to him, it can ...
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Reminder: In Spite of Windows Flaws, Hackers Prefer Social Engineering

Nearly half of hackers surveyed at the recent Black Hat conference in Las Vegas admitted easily compromising both Windows 8 and 10 in the past year.
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Phishing Attack On Office 365 Account Leads To 3 Million CEO Fraud

A phishing attack on an Office 365-account enabled a 3 Mil CEO Fraud Scam at an investment firm. Finnish antivirus company F-Secure reported on their blog. One of the employees at the ...
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[Heads-up] Two Interesting Things You Want To Know About Right Away

This is the very first time I am giving you a heads-up about a new, complimentary tool that you really should run ASAP. It's called Domain Doppelgänger and will be released Thursday ...
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Looking at Cyber Attacks From the Inside Out, It’s All About Social Engineering

Frances Zelazny, Vice President of BioCatch, gave a recent Tech Republic interview to share some insight into how hackers can access your passwords. It's familiar but worth reviewing, ...
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Don’t Pay Hackers Ransom: It Only Encourages Them

S mall and medium business owners often a ssume they're not a likely target of cybercrime. This is a dangerous mistake for to make. Cyber attacks on smaller organizations can be ...
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The Need for Security Champions as Part of Your Security Culture

Security cultures don’t exist within organizations because IT wills them to. With the increase in attacks, organizations need internal advocates for the necessary shift in corporate ...
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It Only Takes One Phish to Spoil Your IPO

The recent data breach of pre-IPO biotech firm Guardant Health shows how much impact a single successful phishing attack can have on an organization.
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Microsoft Office Macros Remain Top Choice for Malware Delivery

Microsoft Office documents containing malicious macros accounted for 45 percent of malware loaders in August 2018, according to a blog post by Cofense. These macros were used to deliver a ...
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Social Engineering, Just a Call Away

An email arrives, and you think it’s from your boss. Because it has your boss’s name on it, there's a huge psychological response, and you tend do what is requested. After a cordial ...
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WSJ: "Forget Passwords. It’s Time for Passphrases."

Mr. Henry Williams is a deputy editor for The Wall Street Journal in New York, and he reported on something we just also recommended. Here is an excerpt with a link to the full article at ...
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Cryptojacking 101: A First Look at Cryptomining Attacks

Your organization might just be making someone else money by allowing them to mine for cryptocurrency on your computers… and not even know it.
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When Does Effective Persuasion Become Manipulation and Social Engineering?

There’s a fine but clear line between ethical and unethical persuasion, says Joe Gray, a security consultant from the “Advanced Persistent Security” blog and podcast. Gray recently ...
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The Evolution Of "Friendly Name" Spoofing During Phishing Attacks

Our friends at Bleepingcomputer had a great article written by Ionut Ilascu I think you will like: "While phishing continues to be the prevalent threat in malware-less email-based ...
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WATCH IT - Current Events Will Be Misused for Phishing...AGAIN

Here are the latest Current Events phishes from the KnowBe4 team over the past few days, some prompted by warnings from US-CERT.
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Sixth Circuit Says Policyholder's Social Engineering Loss Covered By Computer Fraud Policy

Note: We blogged about a very similar 2nd Circuit case earlier this year in CyberheistNews, the first paragraph below refers to that case.
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