A Reddit user asked: "I just found this company called KnowBe4 and they claim to be the best at preventing and teaching about social engineering and cyber attacks. They have a free tool that sounds like it sends an email to your employees that tells you if the users clicked on the link. I can't find reviews anyone online saying that they're actually good that don't seem really biased.
If anyone had used this service or used this company before in any means, please tell me what you think about them. If you know of any other tools like this that you used that can show who clicked on what link and record that data, please let me know. Thanks!"

Here is what users on Reddit answered:
Now, about online reviews, here are a few sources that are not biased, and vetted before they actually get published. First there is Gartner Peer Insights. You can compare all major (and minor) players in our space here: https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/security-awareness-computer-based-training
Next, Spiceworks, the world largest community of IT pros. They have a reviews section there as well, and can rate a product from one to five stars: https://community.spiceworks.com/products/36089-knowbe4
Third, there is the independent G2 Crowd site, which does reviews of awareness training platforms as well. No one gets rewarded in any way for any of these reviews. You can sort by ratings, company size, user role and user industry: https://www.g2crowd.com/products/knowbe4/reviews?
And here is a KnowBe4 website Case Studies Page with some videos of existing users, links to the above platforms, and a few non-gated PDFs with Education and Financial Institution case studies. https://www.knowbe4.com/case-studies/
Hope this helps!
Warm regards,