What Happens to an Organisation When It Has No Security Culture?

Let’s begin by looking at what culture is and why it matters. Culture is tacit and elusive in its very nature. It is often unspoken, based on behaviours, hidden in the thoughts and minds ...
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Building a Security Culture With Behavior Design

Anyone who has run security awareness programs for a while knows that changing human behaviour is not an easy task. And that sometimes the problem with awareness is that "awareness" alone ...
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Security and Gender: The Gaps Are Not Where You Expect

The 2022 KnowBe4 Women’s Day Survey interviewed more than 200 women from across the technology industry in South Africa to find out more about how they perceive the industry, the gender ...
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Breaches & Cyberwar Driving Security Culture

Cybersecurity Culture is a hot topic amongst many organisations and security professionals. But what are organisations doing to build a strong security culture?
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Technology, Microlearning, and its Impact on Users and Cybersecurity

Technology is everywhere in society these days from our communication, shopping, and commerce capabilities. Whether email, online purchases, or using the blockchain, it amounts to large ...
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UK Information Commissioner: Many Cybersecurity Incidents are “Preventable”

In a recent article about the largest cyberthreats currently facing the UK, John Edwards – the UK’s newly-appointed information commissioner- talks about the need for a security culture ...
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Storytelling to Improve Your Organization's Security Culture [PODCAST]

The latest podcast episode of Security Masterminds features our special guest Jim Shields, Creative Director at KnowBe4. He sat down with our hosts, Erich Kron and Jelle Wieringa to ...
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According to KnowBe4 Research's Q1 2022 Report: Shadow IT Is Real

Imagine needing to share a large PDF non-confidential document with a customer. It is too large to send via email, and recently you started using a cloud file sharing service to store ...
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Gain Insight into Where Your Organization Stands with the Security Culture Maturity Model

We’re thrilled to introduce the Security Culture Maturity Model, the industry’s first maturity model specifically geared to measure security culture!
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[New Benchmarking Feature] Compare Your Organization’s Security Culture with Other Organizations in Your Industry

We are excited to announce that the KnowBe4 Industry Benchmarking feature has been expanded to now include industry benchmark comparison data for KnowBe4’s Security Culture Survey (SCS).
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In Order to Have Good Security Culture, Behaviour Comes First

In our efforts to raise awareness among users of the importance of cybersecurity and the part they have to play in it, we sometimes go about things in a long-winded manner.
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2023 Resolution: "I'll Be A Certified Security Awareness and Culture Professional (SACP)™"

Your organization's cyber threat landscape is changing lightning fast. So, your security awareness skills need to stay razor sharp, and are increasingly viewed as critical to protect your ...
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How to Run a Successful Security Awareness Training Program

As thinking about how to strengthen your security awareness training program is probably top of mind. Luckily, we've got you covered with helpful tips you can use to run a strong security ...
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Social Engineering and Organizational Culture

Consistent awareness training is necessary to fend off phishing attacks, according to Keatron Evans, a principal security researcher, instructor, and author with Infosec. In an interview ...
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Security Culture Influenced by the Global Effects of COVID-19

In the Industry Benchmark section of the 2021 Security Culture Report, we describe the security culture scores of each industry sector in detail. This section of the report can be used to ...
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H Layer Credentialing Announces Security Awareness and Culture Professional (SACP)® Certification

This is a very exciting development for the Cyber Security industry as a whole and particularly those of us that believe that Security Awareness Training is a critical step in a complete ...
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[Security Culture Report 2021] A Global Security Culture Perspective During a Pandemic

The 2021 KnowBe4 Security Culture Report is the largest study of its kind, measuring organizations' security cultures and surveying more than 320,000 employees across 1,872 organizations ...
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New Security Doc For Your End-users: "The Iceberg"

Did you see our new "tip of the iceberg" security doc? Send this Public Service Announcement to your end-users. It is a great piece that was created based on the focus group feedback - ...
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Security Awareness Advocate Kai Roer Discusses the 2020 Security Culture Report

Our security awareness advocate Kai Roer recently did an interview with Cybercrime Magazine. Kai discusses the history of CLTRe (now KnowBe4 Research) and his background on security ...
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The Seven Dimensions of Security Culture: Attitudes

KnowBe4’s Security Culture Report is the result of data collected from 120,000 global employees in the following industries: Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Consulting, Business ...
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