Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

26% of Global Organizations Lack Security Training Programs

More than a quarter (26%) of organizations around the world provide no security awareness training for their employees, according to a survey by Hornetsecurity. The researchers found that ...
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Email Compromise Continues to Dominate as Top Threat Incident Type as Tactics Evolve

As email compromise attacks increase, analysis of tactics provides context on how organizations need to evolve their defenses.
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Enhance NIS2 Compliance: Elevate Your Cybersecurity with Awareness & Culture Before The Deadline

The NIS2 Directive, also known as the Network and Information Security Directive, is a crucial piece of legislation designed to enhance cybersecurity and protect critical infrastructure ...
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Your KnowBe4 Compliance Plus Fresh Content Updates from May 2024

Check out the May updates in Compliance Plus so you can stay on top of featured compliance training content.
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91% of Every Ransomware Attack Today Includes Exfiltrating Your Data

New insight into ransomware attacks show that cyber attacks are a top concern for organizations – with many not aware they were a victim until after the attack.
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Your KnowBe4 Fresh Content Updates from May 2024

Check out the 60 new pieces of training content added in May, alongside the always fresh content update highlights, events and new features.
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Criminals Abuse Cloud Storage Platforms to Host Phishing Sites

Threat actors are abusing cloud storage platforms to host phishing sites that can more easily evade detection by security scanners, according to researchers at Enea. Criminals are ...
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Threat Actor Void Manticore Uses Cyber Weapon “Wipers” to Destroy Data and Systems

This Pro-Hamas hacktivist group has updated their payload arsenal to include updated versions of their BiBi Wiper malware, and two new wiper variants.
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Announcing KnowBe4 Student Edition: Cybersecurity Education Tailored for the Next Generation

I recently heard another heartbreaking story of students who were scammed out of financial aid by a phishing attack. We have also heard stories of employment scams and social media based ...
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Attackers Leveraging XSS To Make Phishing Emails Increasingly Evasive

Attackers are exploiting Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) flaws to bypass security filters, according to a new report from Vipre. This technique allows attackers to send benign links ...
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Alert: Nova Scotians Hit by Surge of Sophisticated Spear Phishing Scams

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Nova Scotia is warning of spear phishing attacks that impersonate company managers. The scammers text company employees requesting a payment to ...
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New Research: Number of Successful Ransomware Attacks Rise 29% in a Just One Year

New analysis of Q1’s ransomware attacks uncovers a single group responsible for the majority and discusses what makes them so successful.
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Phishing-as-a-Service Platform LabHost Disrupted by Law Enforcement Crackdown

One of the largest phishing-as-a-service platforms, LabHost, was severely disrupted by law enforcement in 19 countries during a year-long operation that resulted in 37 arrests.
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9 in 10 Organizations Paid At least One Ransom Last Year

New analysis of cyber attacks shows ransomware attacks are running far more rampant than previously thought, with half of organizations blaming poor cyber hygiene.
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KnowBe4 Earns Multiple 2024 Best Of Awards From TrustRadius

KnowBe4 is proud to be recognized by TrustRadius for our Security Awareness Training and PhishER platforms.
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The Education Sector Experienced the Highest Number of Data Breaches in 2023

New data from Verizon makes it clear that the Education sector is under attack, but also breaks down which threat actions and patterns are used most.
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Introducing The New

I'm excited to unveil our newly redesigned website at! The team has worked hard to create a sleek, modern design with improved navigation and new features to better serve you ...
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Verizon: The Percentage of Users Clicking Phishing Emails is Still Rising

The long-awaited annual Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report is out, and it’s made very clear that users continue to be a problem in phishing attacks.
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Analysis Shows 2023 to be “Worst Year for Phishing on Record”

Newly-released data highlights our worst fears about the prevalence of phishing, and some glimmer of hope that the good guys may be winning the fight.
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[CASE STUDY] Healthcare Organization Hardens Employee Defenses Against Insidious Callback Phishing Attacks

A major U.S. healthcare provider significantly reduced their employees' susceptibility to callback phishing attacks after using KnowBe4's callback phishing simulation and training ...
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