Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

A True Story of Organized Cybercrime

[caption id="attachment_1156" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Hackerville, Romania"][/caption] Following is an excerpt from a fascinating but very scary story that affects s all of ...
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June was a Busy Month for Cybercriminals

[caption id="attachment_1150" align="alignleft" width="192" caption="cybercriminals"][/caption] Last month Russian cybercriminals tried their luck at “making money for nothing” using the ...
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Five Generations of Cybercrime

It helps to understand more about the history of hacking, when you need to defend yourself or your organization against cybercrime.
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Federal Law Overhaul Needed to Fight Today’s Cybercrime

[caption id="attachment_1132" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Congressional Law Makers"][/caption] In mid-May, the Obama administration called on Congress to expand the definition ...
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Today’s Organizational Cyber Security Challenge

[caption id="attachment_1126" align="alignleft" width="160" caption="cyber security"][/caption] The most challenging cybercrime attacks exploit human vulnerabilities rather than ...
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Ohio’s Cybercrime Woes

A look at cyberheists and other cybercrimes in Ohio recently shows more than 25,000 private records from school districts, hospitals, retirement benefits firms and others have been ...
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Cybercrime Statistics are Bad, But No one Agrees How Bad…

[caption id="attachment_1115" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="cybercrime statistical chart"][/caption] The news media, the government, and countless Internet security organizations ...
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National and Local Government Debate Cybercrime Issues

From the White House to Congress, federal leaders are looking at a range of policy options to bolster the United States’ ability to thwart Internet threats ranging from cybercrime to ...
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FFIEC Updates Internet Banking Environment Guidelines

Federal banking regulators today released a long-awaited supplement to the 2005 guidelines that describe what banks should be doing to protect e-banking customers from cybercrime, hackers ...
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The World Wide Web is being re-branded as the World Wild Web

[caption id="attachment_1070" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="World Wild Web"][/caption] Increasingly, cyber-criminals are using mobile malware and fake apps as monetizing ...
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Users Are the Weak Link in IT Security!

[caption id="attachment_1060" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Weak Link in IT Security"][/caption] Firewalls and antivirus software can only go so far. Jeff James of Windows IT ...
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FBI Finally Shuts Down Major Cybercrime Outfit “Coreflood-Botnet”

[caption id="attachment_1054" align="alignleft" width="210" caption="FBI Cybercrime Agent"][/caption] The FBI has scrubbed some 19,000 PCs that were infected with the Coreflood bot ...
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Bank Gets Sued Over $2,000,000 Cyberheist

A judicial decision came down last week from a District Court in Michigan. Experi-Metal fell victim to a major cyberheist and then sued their bank (Comerica) over a nearly $2,000,000 ...
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Cybercrime on the U.S. Senate

On Monday, the U.S. Senate confirmed a branch of its website was breached by a hacker group. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Reid and House Speaker Boehner appear disheartened in photo. It’s ...
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U.S. Government is asking the High-Tech Business Sector to Fight Cybercrime

The U.S. Department of Commerce is asking big technology players with significant online presence to develop and adopt a code of conduct to help stop cybercrime. The Department of ...
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U.S. Company Suffers a $588,000 Cyberheist – Judge Says “Too Bad”

[caption id="attachment_994" align="alignleft" width="262" caption="Cyber Judge"][/caption] Cyber security experts are expressing serious concern over a decision on a cyberheist lawsuit ...
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The Stakes Rise in the War on Cybercrime

[caption id="attachment_986" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="North America Cyber Crime"][/caption] The U.S. government just very recently broadened its definition of what ...
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Cybercrime Sophistication Borne Out by Recent Google Gmail Attack

[caption id="attachment_980" align="alignleft" width="308" caption="gmail-phishing"][/caption] In the cybercrime war being fought across international boundaries, the recent Gmail hack of ...
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Scotland Yard launches New Cyber Squad Unit

[caption id="attachment_972" align="alignleft" width="191" caption="Scotland Yard Cybercrime Unit"][/caption] Janet Williams of Scotland Yard‘s Cybercrime Unit, who takes the lead on ...
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Opening the Network to Cybercrime: The 10 Biggest Security Breaches of 2011 to Date

[caption id="attachment_959" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Network Cybercrime"][/caption] Despite the valiant efforts of network security companies and the vigilance of IT ...
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